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Activities of "joe704la"

I figured out the issue. I had some css files listed in the Angular.json file for fullcalendar module and plugins that were messing things up.

Thank you, that worked.

Any ideas on this?

Okay great, I will work on upgrading to 10.3.0. Is there any docs that show what CSS changed from Metronic 6 to 7?

Figured the issue out. When you asked about the TenantId I had a thought and checked the ChatController and sure enough it uses a using statement that sets TentantId to null. I removed that and it worked just fine.

            using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(null))
                var fileDto = await _fileAttachmentsService.GetUserFileAttachmentForView(fileId);
                var fileObject = fileDto.FileAttachment;
                if (fileObject == null)
                    return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

                return File(fileObject.BinaryObject, contentType, fileName);

I think I may have found an answer to my own question. But I won't be able to verify it until much later. Incase anyone else has tried it let me know if this has worked for others.

Use the following task in the release pipeline to swap out variables in Json files.

@ricavir did you figure out a good ci/cd pipline for this?

I am looking into doing the same.

I am having very similar issues on all my custom services after the upgrade to 8.0.0 and haven't figured out what the true issue is. @mujthabagroad I am not following how you fixed it. Can you give me any advice?

I have having issues in almost every service. But I can give an example below of one query that is causing an issue that didn't before the .NET Core 3 update. If I remove the "&& DateTime.Compare(Clock.Now, a.StartDateTime) > 0" it then seems to work. SO it seems like a simular issue to talking about here.

var numberOfAppointments = await _appointmentRepository.GetAll() .Where(a => a.UserId == user.Id && DateTime.Compare(Clock.Now, a.StartDateTime) > 0).CountAsync();

This would work with the chat function built into ASP.NET Zero?

I followed enio suggestion of switching all angular packages from ^8.0.0 to ~8.0.0. This works as a temporary solution. But it for sure seems to be an issue with angular 8.1.

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