Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "joe704la"

I have some stored procedures that are coming from a different database a previous developer created that I need to create views for in our app. I am wondering how to let's say I have a list of customers coming back from this stored procedure, I want to create a relation between this customer coming back from the stored procedure with an ABP user. I want to have my user have a one to many relationship with customers associated with it. I am thinking I will need to creating a mapping table that will store the customer's id in it so that when it goes and grabs this list of customer's it will know how to map the user with its associated customer's. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Has anyone else had issues with Log4Net stop working? As soon as I restart IIS it will start logging again. But I am curious if anyone has had the same issue and if so how they fixed this from happening from time to time.

I was wondering if I could get some help with permissions.

I want to create a Role where a user can view all users except Admin users. I want to create a manager role that can edit a "User" role but not even see "Admin" users. Is this possible and if so how would I be able to do it?

I would like to create some kind of user lockout feature after 5 or so unsuccessful login attempts. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this?


I am very new to Angular.js. I keep getting the below error and I cannot figure out why. I understand it has to do with me injecting the $modal but It looks no different than any of the documentation I was going off of. Below the error is the js code.

Error: [$injector:unpr]$injector/unpr?p0=%24modalProvider%20%3C-%20%24modal%20%3C-%20tenant.views.projects.index
    at Error (native)
    at http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:6:416
    at http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:43:7
    at Object.d [as get] (http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:40:270)
    at http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:43:69
    at d (http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:40:270)
    at e (http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:41:1)
    at Object.invoke (http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:41:86)
    at T.instance (http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:86:444)
    at u (http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:65:338) <div ui-view="" class="fade-in-up ng-scope">
(function () {
    appModule.controller('tenant.views.projects.index', [
        '$scope', '$modal', '',
        function ($scope, $modal, projectService) {
            var vm = this;

            vm.projects = [];

            vm.getProjects = function() {
                projectService.getProjects({}).success(function (result) {
                    vm.projects = result.items;

            vm.openCreateProjectModal = function () {
                var modalInstance = ${
                    templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/projects/createProjectModal.cshtml',
                    controller: 'tenant.views.projects.createProjectsModal as vm',
                    backdrop: 'static'

                modalInstance.result.then(function () {


Is there a way to turn off the different languages and just have one default language. I have no need for multiple languages.


I noticed in the Audit logs that when a user is created it saves a log of their password in plain text. Would you have an idea where I can change this?


I was just wondering if there was a reason you didn't use Antiforgery Tokens to prevent Cross-site Request Forgery?


I published my test site to a free Azure web app service and it doesn't allow to send emails from it. It looks like I will need to configure the app to use gmail or something like that. Where would I go to configure that within the code base?

I would like my app to go to the login screen immediately and not go to the front website. Is this possible? My app will only have a admin Angular side.

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