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Activities of "josus"



I finally found the problem. So, we have Person entity related to user, I am creating test people with a 1-1 relation with users. The Person code clock is something like this:

var person = new Person {
    Name = "Person Name",
    User = new User {
            IsActive = false

await _personRepository.InsertAsync(person);

Saving the person changes the User to Active so I need to set it to false after this action.

Now is working well.




It is working fine using IRepository<Setting, long>.Delete(). It works like a HardDelete :-). So, one more question, When creating the users, I want some of them created with IsActive set to false. However, they are all created as active... this is my code:

var userId = await _userRepository.InsertOrUpdateAndGetIdAsync(new User
                IsActive = data.IsUserActive,

After create I add the user to an OU (_userManager.AddToOrganizationUnit)... Could be this action activating the user again?



Thanks, it is working now but I have another problem. User settings are not cascade deleted so I need to remove them before I remove the user. I found some methods to get or change settings but I don't know how to remove them.



How can I Hard delete users? I am writing some integration tests and I need to create and delete Test data, including users.



We need to add a new project to the solution using some of the services of the framework, authentication, database model and others. How can we do that? The reason for this requirement is to publish an isolated appservice on azure to serve the mobile apps without impacting the backend.

Can we do this using the same product name and license?


Ok, I will create it. No errors on the console.

Not yet, I googled for any tip without results. Perhaps another customer has implemented something similar and can help us to solve it.


I am using the latest version (6.2.0) of your framework with MVC5 + AngularJS. When I go to the Users administration and select "Advanced Filters" both Roles and permissions combo boxes has two Blank options. If I select the second one or any other option below it works fine the first time. After the first selection the selected one is always the next option to my selection.

  1. Go to Users main menu.
  2. Click on Show advanced filters
  3. Select "Pages" on Permissions combo box
  4. Select "Pages" again.

The second selection changes to "Administration".

Not working...

I will try

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