I was thinking the automatic translation was done by using the Tenant TimeZone but I found that every user profile has his own TimeZone, default to Tenant TimeZone setting if the use don't change it. So, when I was trying to get translated datetimes, my user profile was set as UTC (the default Timezone when it was created!!!!)
Now it works without any manual translation!!!
Hi again,
I have SQL Server Developper edition installed on my dev machine. I also installed the SQLSysClrTypes.msi as described in the Microsoft page and the problem is still happening.
Yes, I tried, it works on projects without ABP but, I don't know why, it doesn't work on ABP projects. As I saw in my first question, I tried to install the nuget in all the projects, include the Test project!!! and the result is always the same. I am unable to generate the migration.
I answer myself:
My ApplicationService now returns a Dto with a byte[] for the image data and other additional properties. When this Dto is serialized as Json string the byte[] is converted to a Base64 string.
In my controler I used this;
to convert back this Base64 string to a javascript byte array that is the source for a Blob passed to FileSaver module. And it works!!
The final client code looks like this:
.then(function (result) {
var bytes = Uint8Array.from(atob(result.data.image), c => c.charCodeAt(0));
var data = new Blob([bytes], { type: 'image/jpeg' });
fileSaver.saveAs(data, result.data.employeeName + '.jpeg');
I saw it, but it is done in a MVC controller and the return type is a FileResult. I need to return the image data, something like a byte array from an ApplicationService, where no reference to System.Web.Mvc is needed. Any other option to make it work?
I was looking only into the aspnetzero docs and I wasn't able to find any info about my requirement. I think a need to read a lot before start.
Thank you very much!!