Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "jur.porras"


Even I throw an exception the hangfire always return succeeded.

sample code:


catch (Exception e)
    throw new Exception($"Couldn't optimize route. Please check setup. Error: {e.Message}");

Please advise.


  • What is your product version? 10.0
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .Net Core

We have confirmed that hangfire is automatically chooses instances to our available servers. And is random. There are chances that when hangfire runs it goes to the server instance that has low specifications which cause or web app to break. Simple job which usuually done in a second finished after a several minutes or worst case, hours.

Maybe this is because the queues are stored in the host db? I am not sure if the issue we are experiencing is related to that. But if there's a possiblity setup that each tenant can manage their queues on their respective databases (not host) , hangfire will automatically chooses an instance provided to their app services.

Is there something to do in assigning the connection string? Currently we have this in our Startup file.

services.AddHangfire(config => { config.UseSqlServerStorage(_appConfiguration.GetConnectionString("Default")); ...

Please advise.

Regards, Jur

  • Which theme are you using? Theme 12
  • What are the theme settings? Default


We just did upgrade our app from 8.2 to 10.2 The problem is we are using theme 12 in the old version, which is no longer available in the new one.

It force us to use the Default theme, and tediously update line by line html tags and css classes. Do you have other options handling this update, in my case using the old theme which no longer available in the new version?

Will you put back the theme12 in the future?


Please answer the following quetions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • What is your product version? 8.2
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core

Just want to ask if ASpNet Zero has a way for setting up environment variables in a file. For example: A file (example: .env file) which consists of the settings that needed specific to a current environment either production of staging. In this way, we dont have to change setting each time we push to each branches. Example config or setting that could often change during development are database credentials, redis, mailing, etc...



Hangfire Question

How do I query the data from Hangfire tables databases. For example: I want to get the Details from the Hangfire.Job table. Is there a repository where I could use on getting this data? Or any other way?

Regards, Jur

I am using the multitenancy feature of the framework. Each tenant has its own database. The problem is, When I run query in my Hangfire Job class, It always getting data from the base database.

By the way, I am require to use unitofwork in able to fetch data without conflict with the tenant.

Example code below:

using (var unitOfWork = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin()) { _unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant, AbpDataFilters.MustHaveTenant);...


Queries outside of that unitofwork will not work because of tenant conlict errors. Though I am able to get data now in my Hangfire Job class, the data came from the base or parent database not in my subtenant database.

Can someone help?


The jobs in Hangfire throws: System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

This happens only in azure web server. What is the possible cause of it?

Attempting the login page in login, keeps on redirecting me on the same login page though credentials are confirmed correct.


Good Day,

Is there a way in Asp Net Zero that controls the site to command it to become down or up.

For example, when building, publishing new update in the site, since there's a downtime in frontend, It would be nice if we can display a maintenance page informing site visitor that there's something happening in the system.

Maybe there's an angular way, such what had in asp net zero, App_Offline.htm. I wish this was already catered.

Looking forward for your response.

Regards, Jur


Do you have instructions how to implement the App_Offline in aspnet zero?

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