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Activities of "juslwk"

My delete entity is not working, any possible reasons? I have tried Delete And DeleteAsync methods as well. This is the way I test it.

public void DeleteFile(EntityDto input)
            var fileToBeDeleted = _fileRepository.Get(input.Id);
            var deletedFile = _fileRepository.Get(input.Id);

I put a break point after var deletedFile, and check their values, but both fileToBeDeleted & deletedFile are equal in value. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you EDIT There are no error messages or exceptions occurring.

I wish to try ABP for my next project, and have downloaded the .NET Core 1.x template. However I notice it still targets the .NET Framework 4.6. Will there be any plans to target .NET Core 1.x framework? A neat feature of .NET Core is being platform independent, which is one my the requirements of my project.

If there is a plan for it, how should the community contribute?


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