Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "justin"

I have setup my Web Startup.cs define the clock to be UTC, but the executionTime on Db loggged for AbpAuditLogs is in server time. How can i change it to be TC public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc;

i have my route defined using , but when i switch between diffrent route how can i use abp.ui.busy() to display loading icon? currently it does not display anything indicating a load is in progress.

                .state('home', {
                    url: '/',
                    templateUrl: '/App/Main/views/home/home.cshtml',
                    menu: 'Home' //Matches to name of 'Home' menu in EMRNavigationProvider

with use of dynamic web api and injected session how is the session locked handled for concurrent request from same session?

For example in controller you can mark Controller as a session Readonly which will allow parallel ajax request from same user to be processed at the same time, default behavior is that when session is in use it locks the session and does not permit parallel ajax request to process in parallel instead it makes them synchronous.

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... -blocking/</a>

so how does the session lock work in abp?

I am not able to see the detail of error message after a call is made to a service endpoint via abp dynamic web api. it does not hit any breakpoints it does not have any in log file . it only shows a pop up saying [object object ] internal server error . i also added code below in my web project and it does not execute it either. it seems the error does not bubble up throught the web application and its consumed by abp modules. i am using abp 0.91

public class MyExceptionHandler : IEventHandler<AbpHandledExceptionData>, ITransientDependency
        public ILogger Logger { get; set; }

        public void HandleEvent(AbpHandledExceptionData eventData)
            Logger.Info(eventData.EventSource.ToString(), eventData.Exception);

I added MySettingProvider under core project

public class MYSettingProvider : SettingProvider
        public const string SearchResultPageSize = "SearchResultPageSize";
        public override IEnumerable<SettingDefinition> GetSettingDefinitions(SettingDefinitionProviderContext context)
            return new[]
                    new SettingDefinition(

Then Under MYCoreModule.cs

Then under application Service project

Above code works when i run web project

But when i try to run my Unit Test and call service method under application project it fails with SettingManager being null. i tried adding below under MyTestModule with no success any ideas?


I added a new Proejct to solution on top of template given by i added a class like following

using Abp.Dependency;
public class CardManager: ICardManager, ISingletonDependency

My Application Project service class(CardAppService) has dependency on this class and on my Unit Test _cardAppService = Resolve<CardAppService>(); it fails saying An exception of type 'Castle.MicroKernel.Handlers.HandlerException' occurred in Castle.Windsor.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Can't create component 'EMR.Card.CardAppService' as it has dependencies to be satisfied.

'EMR.Card.CardAppService' is waiting for the following dependencies: - Service 'EMR.Manager.Service.ICardManager' which was not registered.

i was in a impression that if you have ISingletonDependency or ITransientDependency it gets registered up automatically.


With Menu Provider do we have examples on how to do a nested menu for two levels like


this is for angular template

I want to extend AbpUserAccounts table and UserAccounts object to support IsEmailVerified and IsPhoneVerifed column. I want to add verification of both these property during registration. Unless this functionality is already available , which i did not see. Is there an example of adding new columns and extending object for ABP?

Also i did not see any suporting function similar to UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(long)


Since Signalr is used as default in ABP, is there any built in alternative to this? because with signalr it has limit to number of connections allowed in azure <a class="postlink" href=""> ... s-in-azure</a> its same for a IIS server on its own as well it has about 20k per server and scaling out you need a back-end service bus of some type. it is great for push notifications but headache for scaling.

i was using boilerplate as is with S1 Azure instance of sql database and warm up time seems to be very slow, also login in time takes about 4 sec + for as is code. i also removed hangfire config since it has lot of entry in log as it could have been very actively taking up resources. i have not made any changes other than the connection string in config file. With no custom code yet it seems to very slow.

Is there any other tweaks i can make?

Showing 1 to 10 of 11 entries