Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "kansoftware"

I have enabled okta using OIDC. In web application it worked fine. But I have a mobile application as well. I have create a SPA application on okta for mobile app. They will be sending me the access token retrieved from Okta. I need to get the user info from that token and then generate my application token and return them. Is there any built in function? Or how can i do that?


Sorry, I didn't understand. What do you mean can you please describe. I am getting the error from var externalUser = await GetExternalUserInfo(model); And after going to internal function the actual error comes from the below method

public IDisposableDependencyObjectWrapper<IExternalAuthProviderApi> CreateProviderApi(string provider)
    ExternalLoginProviderInfo externalLoginProviderInfo = ((!_externalAuthConfiguration.ExternalLoginInfoProviders.Any((IExternalLoginInfoProvider infoProvider) => infoProvider.Name == provider)) ? _externalAuthConfiguration.Providers.FirstOrDefault((ExternalLoginProviderInfo p) => p.Name == provider) : _externalAuthConfiguration.ExternalLoginInfoProviders.Single((IExternalLoginInfoProvider infoProvider) => infoProvider.Name == provider).GetExternalLoginInfo());
    if (externalLoginProviderInfo == null)
        throw new Exception("Unknown external auth provider: " + provider);

    IDisposableDependencyObjectWrapper<IExternalAuthProviderApi> disposableDependencyObjectWrapper = _iocResolver.ResolveAsDisposable<IExternalAuthProviderApi>(externalLoginProviderInfo.ProviderApiType);
    return disposableDependencyObjectWrapper;

I want to set OpenIdConnectOptions during runtime for tenant. Is it possible if yes then how?

Hi kansoftware

ExternalAuthenticationProvider structure in MVC is different from Angular. The GetExternalAuthenticationProvidersmethod in TokenAuthController is used in Angular. In MVC, ExternalAuthConfiguration *WebMvcModule.cs must also be configured. Configuration example: You can configure it according to your scenario by using the ConfigureExternalAuthProviders method in the *WebHostModule.cs class in the *.Host project. Or if you want to use it as Scheme, you can use the GetExternalAuthenticationSchemesAsync method in the SignInManager class in the *.Core project.

Hi I am reframing my question, I want to give the below API to my mobile app team to pass the okta provider code and get the access token of my application. So I found one function is already built in in token auth controller i.e. ExternalAuthenticate. I have configured okta for a tenant using openid from its settings page. Now when I am calling this API it gives me Unknown external auth provider error.

public async Task<ExternalAuthenticateResultModel> ExternalAuthenticate( [FromBody] ExternalAuthenticateModel model) {
var externalUser = await GetExternalUserInfo(model);

var loginResult = await _logInManager.LoginAsync(
    new UserLoginInfo(model.AuthProvider, externalUser.ProviderKey, model.AuthProvider),

switch (loginResult.Result)
    case AbpLoginResultType.Success:
        // One Concurrent Login 
        if (AllowOneConcurrentLoginPerUser())
            await ResetSecurityStampForLoginResult(loginResult);

        var refreshToken = CreateRefreshToken(
            await CreateJwtClaims(
                tokenType: TokenType.RefreshToken

        var accessToken = CreateAccessToken(
            await CreateJwtClaims(
                refreshTokenKey: refreshToken.key

        var returnUrl = model.ReturnUrl;

        if (model.SingleSignIn.HasValue && model.SingleSignIn.Value &&
            loginResult.Result == AbpLoginResultType.Success)
            returnUrl = AddSingleSignInParametersToReturnUrl(

        return new ExternalAuthenticateResultModel
            AccessToken = accessToken,
            EncryptedAccessToken = GetEncryptedAccessToken(accessToken),
            ExpireInSeconds = (int) _configuration.AccessTokenExpiration.TotalSeconds,
            ReturnUrl = returnUrl,
            RefreshToken = refreshToken.token,
            RefreshTokenExpireInSeconds = (int) _configuration.RefreshTokenExpiration.TotalSeconds
    case AbpLoginResultType.UnknownExternalLogin:
        var newUser = await RegisterExternalUserAsync(externalUser);
        if (!newUser.IsActive)
            return new ExternalAuthenticateResultModel
                WaitingForActivation = true

        //Try to login again with newly registered user!
        loginResult = await _logInManager.LoginAsync(
            new UserLoginInfo(model.AuthProvider, model.ProviderKey, model.AuthProvider),

        if (loginResult.Result != AbpLoginResultType.Success)
            throw _abpLoginResultTypeHelper.CreateExceptionForFailedLoginAttempt(

        var refreshToken = CreateRefreshToken(await CreateJwtClaims(loginResult.Identity,
            loginResult.User, tokenType: TokenType.RefreshToken)

        var accessToken = CreateAccessToken(await CreateJwtClaims(loginResult.Identity,
            loginResult.User, refreshTokenKey: refreshToken.key));

        return new ExternalAuthenticateResultModel
            AccessToken = accessToken,
            EncryptedAccessToken = GetEncryptedAccessToken(accessToken),
            ExpireInSeconds = (int) _configuration.AccessTokenExpiration.TotalSeconds,
            RefreshToken = refreshToken.token,
            RefreshTokenExpireInSeconds = (int) _configuration.RefreshTokenExpiration.TotalSeconds
        throw _abpLoginResultTypeHelper.CreateExceptionForFailedLoginAttempt(


Hi kansoftware

To enable both Okta and Auth0 for a single tenant in your multi-tenant application, you will need to customize the code, as the standard ASP.NET Zero implementation typically supports only one OpenID Connect provider per tenant.

Ok. For now I have enabled okta through oidc. I have added the default options in startup.cs. But also I have configured the openid for a tenant through tenant settings page. I want to know how and where does it replaces the client id and other details before redirecting to okta login page.

As for my custom code I want to set the credentials runtime because for each tenant it will be different. I hope I am making sense

I want to enable both okta and auth0 for a single tenant as some users may login through okta and some through auth0. I am having a multitenant application. Do I need to custom the code or there is a functionality in the base code. Could you please help me out how can I achieve that

Hi @kansoftware

Where are you using the GetExternalAuthenticationProviders method? When I call the default GetExternalAuthenticationProviders method in the TokenAuthController under *Web.Core, data is returned as shown in the screenshot below. You may want to check the OpenId settings in appsettings.json again. Could you provide more details so I can reproduce this issue?

Right now I am calling through postman. Below is the curl curl --location 'https://localhost:44302/api/TokenAuth/GetExternalAuthenticationProviders'
--header 'abp.tenantid: 2'

Below is my appsettings for authentication block "Authentication": { "AllowSocialLoginSettingsPerTenant": true, "Facebook": { "IsEnabled": "false", "AppId": "", "AppSecret": "" }, "Google": { "IsEnabled": "false", "ClientId": "", "ClientSecret": "", "UserInfoEndpoint": "" }, "Twitter": { "IsEnabled": "false", "ConsumerKey": "", "ConsumerSecret": "" }, "Microsoft": { "IsEnabled": "false", "ConsumerKey": "", "ConsumerSecret": "" }, "WsFederation": { "IsEnabled": "false", "MetaDataAddress": "", "Wtrealm": "" }, "JwtBearer": { "IsEnabled": "true", "SecurityKey": "", "Issuer": "CDP", "Audience": "CDP" }, "OpenId": { "IsEnabled": "true", "Authority": "", "ClientId": "", "ClientSecret": "***", "ValidateIssuer": "false", "ResponseType": "code", "ClaimsMapping": [ { "claim": "", "key": "" } ] } }

Also I have set openid for tenant id 2 from it's settings page as I have multi tenant application. Could you please let me know if I have missed out something. Also what changes you have made to enable openid

I have enabled the AllowSocialLoginSettingsPerTenant and OpenId in appsettings.json. Also I have a configured OpenId for a tenant. Now when I am calling the below function for that tenant, the allproviders return null.

[HttpGet] public List<ExternalLoginProviderInfoModel> GetExternalAuthenticationProviders() {
var allProviders = _externalAuthConfiguration.ExternalLoginInfoProviders .Select(infoProvider => infoProvider.GetExternalLoginInfo()) .Where(IsSchemeEnabledOnTenant) .ToList(); return ObjectMapper.Map<List<ExternalLoginProviderInfoModel>>(allProviders); }

Basically I am getting null from GetExternalLoginInfo.

Could you please let me know how to resolve this, as I am stuck in this completely.

@huntethan89 Were you able to find a solution for this?

@ismcagdas I am too facing the similar error. I have enable OpenId in appsettings.json and also configured for a tenant. But I am too getting the same error

After project upgrade realtime notifications stopped working after we upgraded from 9 to 13

We checked and found there are 2 classes added in the CDP.core>> Notifications

  1. Email : EmailRealTimeNotifier.cs
  2. SMS : SmsRealTimeNotifier.cs

After checking documentation of aspnetboilerplate we also following class in the project

But still while we hit the _realTimeNotifier.SendNotificationsAsync it goes into EmailRealTimeNotifier.SendNotificationsAsync

Please help to fix this ASAP as its production issue.

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