Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "kayagultekin"


I wonder that too recently and while playing around what I did to get it working was: to define a new menu using MenuDefinition

MenuDefinition NewMenu = new MenuDefinition("NewMenu", new LocalizableString("NewMenu", YourProjectNameConsts.LocalizationSourceName));

Populate that newly defined menu with fresh items:

new MenuItemDefinition(
        new LocalizableString("YourPage", GreenPlainsConsts.LocalizationSourceName),
        url: "#/YourPage",
        icon: "fa fa-home"

And eventually add newmenu the the menus mentioned in the documentation:

context.Manager.Menus.Add("NewMenu", NewMenu);

There you have it! This code might not be of the best quality so it should be reviewed by a master.

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