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Activities of "keepfool"

I have some controllers under Areas (e.g. Master), but I can't call the @L("SomeString") method in its view page. If I create a controller under Controllers folder, then I can use the @L("SomeString") method to get the localized string. So how can I use @L method in the views of controllers under areas.

I am trying the SimpleTaskSystem, when I use ajax get to get all tasks, I got an error: Your request is not valid! Here is the steps I have done.

  1. Download the source code of SimpleTaskSystem from github.
  2. Restore referenced packages through Nuget.
  3. Change the ITaskApplicationService
public interface ITaskAppService : IApplicationService
        GetTasksOutput GetTasks(GetTasksInput input);

        void UpdateTask(UpdateTaskInput input);

        void CreateTask(CreateTaskInput input);
  1. I want to show all the tasks by http get method, the rerequest uri is <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6247/api/services/tasksystem/task/GetTasks">http://localhost:6247/api/services/task ... k/GetTasks</a>. Then I got this error at the home page: Your request is not valid! But if I change the ITaskApplicationService as below, I can successfully get the tasks.
public interface ITaskAppService : IApplicationService
        GetTasksOutput GetTasks(GetTasksInput input);

        void UpdateTask(UpdateTaskInput input);

        void CreateTask(CreateTaskInput input);

How can I get tasks with http get?

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