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Activities of "kevinjhackett"

  • AspNetZero 10.2
  • MVC Jquery
  • Core
  • ABP 6.2
  • Theme 2
  • Layout type - Fluid (but same problem for Fixed)
  • Header Bar - desktop fixed header ON - mobile fixed header ON (but same problem on all combinations)
  • Menu Bar - OFF

I am using Theme 2 and I see two problems:

a) The AbpPageAlerts appears TWICE.

The _ Layout.cshtml page for 'theme 2' has two occurrences of AbpPageAlerts being shown. I'm assuming one would be for mobile only? Anyway, I'm seeing both sets of alerts at the same time. If I switch to any other theme, they only appear once.

b) The Quick User panel works as expected in desktop mode, but in Mobile mode it will not fire / appear. The quick menu appears as expected when you click the 'hamburger' but clicking the user does nothing. (and you can also see the 2 copies of the alerts too )

I have checked the Layout file and I have not made any changes since I checked in the original ANZ solution. Both Chrome and Edge produce the same, so it's not the browser

Anyone know how can i prevent the browser dark mode from affecting the "fam fam fam" flags ?

I like how my default ANZ site looks great in light/dark modes, but the flags (and a couple of other images) look bad in dark mode.

I'm sure Americans and French won't appreciate their red BLACK and blue flags!

Product Version: ASPNET ZERO 10.2 Product Type: ASP.NET Core and jQuery Framework: .NET 5.0 ABP Version: default 6.2 - no upgrades

I have several successful calls from my client javascript to my service methods (eg. ). Recently I tried calling another method (eg. AddFavoriteAsync() ) but I get a console error ' is not a method'. If I remove the Async, or replace it with anything else, the call works fine.

Is there some undocumented limitation of naming a method xxxxxAsync() ?

Product Version: ASPNET ZERO 10.2 Product Type: ASP.NET Core and jQuery Framework: .NET 5.0 ABP Version: default 6.2 - no upgrades

I have followed the previous example documented in this support question:

I installed the package in the .Core project as mentioned in the support ticket

The only differences between my code and the examples is I named my classes IStoredProcRepository and StoredProcRepository instead of IUserRepository & UserRepository.

Still getting error: "The name 'Context' does not exist in the current context"

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