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Activities of "kimoerum"

Hi @ryancyq

Thanks for your reply and explanation, but I am not sure that I agree with your point of view.

Please have a look here Common Use Cases

For the described use case to make sense, you sould only assign the user to one level in the OU tree - at least in my application that makes sense, and I agree that it may differ depending on your use case.

And no - a ROLE is not what solves my usecase - please again refere to the link and use case above.

But however I sorted out what I need to do in the UI code to obtain the behaviour that I was asking for:

In the script _OrganizationTree.js I just needed to uncomment the line in the eventhandler section: selectNodeAndAllParents(...);

Thanks for all the input.

Reopend by mistake.


Thanks for your clearification - and hints it's very helpfull. And I am aware about most of what you try to explain.

But this was not the question - sorry to say. My question was aiming at the point where you create a user and assign him to the OU. If you here has a multilevel OU structure (as in my example posted) and you assign the user to the bottom level - ASP.NET Zero will per default "assign" him to all levels above also. And I do question the functionality at this point, as this seems for me to be wrong when we look at OU's! So my question was: Is there a way that the user may only be included in the OU I select - and nothing else?

By the way, if you enter the OU admin you may this way add a user to a specefic OU only.. so that is my current workaround - but that is not the best way of manageing this.

I am sorry that we have to take this "de tour" on this question - but please try to read my initial post once more and focus only on what I am asking for here - the assignments of a user to an OU nothing more nothing else - thanks in advance.

The role dos have Tenants but should not see the Editions or be able to change it on the tenant.

The exception occures when the page loads - so I don't even try to visit the Editions page!

In other words, I have a role that can see Tenants, but should not see the Editions.

That combination should at least not end up in an Exception!


My objective is that a user that belongs to "Company B" can ONLY see entities that is marked with that OU id. A user that is in the "Norway" can see all entities from "Company A, B and C"

And as a animation:

HI @ismcagdas,

you misread my explanation, as my goal for that role is precisely that I donĀ“t want to see the Editions at all!

And this creates an exception!


6.4.01 (Latest) CORE, MVC

Hi @aaron

Thanks - that made the trick - now all seems to be working.

Hi ismagdas,

Yes, I have followed the "Getting started Core" as you refere to - the same as I wrote in my initial post.

And yes, I have runned both "yarn" and the "npm run create-bundles" as described.

Here is what happens:

Thanks a lot - that solved the question.

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