Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "klainer"


I created my custom config and enable correctly, LDAP support . Works perfect !! Thank you!

Ok tahnks works. I´m aldo traing LDAP auth:

In my core module in PreInitialize method I call this:

IocManager.Register<ILdapSettings, MNDLdapSettings>(); //change default setting source

I have also class:

public class MyLdapAuthenticationSource : LdapAuthenticationSource<Tenant, User>
        public MyLdapAuthenticationSource(ILdapSettings settings, IAbpZeroLdapModuleConfig ldapModuleConfig)
            : base(settings, ldapModuleConfig)

Then i Created this settings class:

public class MNDLdapSettings : ILdapSettings
        public async Task<bool> GetIsEnabled(int? tenantId)
            return true;

        public async Task<ContextType> GetContextType(int? tenantId)
            return ContextType.Domain;

        public async Task<string> GetContainer(int? tenantId)
            return "";

        public async Task<string> GetDomain(int? tenantId)
            return "domain";

        public async Task<string> GetUserName(int? tenantId)
            return "name";

        public async Task<string> GetPassword(int? tenantId)
            return "pass";

I also tried use your default setting like you noted:

Note: If you don't define domain, username and password, LDAP authentication works for current domain if your application runs in a domain with appropriate privileges.

And try enable LDAP like in this post / last unanswered question: #205@a9e9ccf7-5841-4126-9423-c0d5b678eb9b

But no work , the same problem with : Abp.AbpException: There is no setting defined with name: Abp.Zero.Ldap.IsEnabled

When is LDAP enablet and in cotroller is [AbdAuthorized] attribute. User will be logged automaticly ?

Please help ... Thnaks!

But auth no work for me, how can I detect error in credectials etc or debug auth using LDAP ? Thnaks

Ok I used your basic sample, with simply retun true. I registered this MyExternalAuthSource, in Web project.

public override void Initialize()


    public class MyExternalAuthSource : DefaultExternalAuthenticationSource<Tenant, User>
        public override string Name
            get { return "MyCustomSource"; }


        public override async Task<bool> TryAuthenticateAsync(string userNameOrEmailAddress, string plainPassword, Tenant tenant)
            //TODO: authenticate user and return true or false
            return true;

But i dont know what i must tu do next for login person by using this external source. In documentation this is missing and I´m confused . What i must change in Login method in auth controller ?

I algo got this error:

No component for supporting the service TT.MyExternalAuthSource was found

Popis: Při provádění aktuálního webového požadavku došlo k neošetřené výjimce. Další informace o chybě a o jejím původu v kódu naleznete v trasování zásobníku. 

Podrobnosti o výjimce: Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service TT.MyExternalAuthSource was found

Ok I solved this by add this code to intialization of Core Module:

public override void Initialize()

Mayby another question. I notice that when use Custom auth login, AbpUser table automaticly create new record for logged person name and also generate password. Is this appropoach good for my situation ( I have onother table with users) so roles and other stuff are still depended on AbpUser ?

Thnaks for any tip!

Thanks for reply! Let´s assume that I need to use different table than AbpUser for login check, how would you preoceed ? For login to apllication is windows username needed, if username is in DB , then user is logged. Thats all..

By the way Views is possible to map...

Thanks !

Hello, i often need to use another table for users, mostly is a VIEW from another system like Active Directory. Is is possible to have custom View table for users and using role, permission and another good functionality of ABP ?

My poople view look like:

PeopleView: Login, Department, Email with thousands of row.

User will be automaticly logged to system by his login - Windows Auth.

Do anybody have the same problem ?

Thanks !

Works, thanks !!


I need to override default SMTP server setting configuration. I created this class:

public class MySettingProvider : SettingProvider
        public override IEnumerable<SettingDefinition> GetSettingDefinitions(SettingDefinitionProviderContext context)
            return new[]
                    new SettingDefinition(

And in Web.Module I´m calling this:

public override void PreInitialize()

But this no work! What is correct appropoach to do it ? Thnaks !

I checked this document, tried this:

                new LocalizationSourceExtensionInfo("AbpWeb",
                    new XmlFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider(

And overide the names in resource file, but it dont work.

Thnaks for tips!

Hello, how locallize sweet alerts buttons ? I found in code this:

abp.event.on('abp.dynamicScriptsInitialized', function () {
        abp.libs.sweetAlert.config.confirm.title = abp.localization.abpWeb('AreYouSure');
        abp.libs.sweetAlert.config.confirm.cancelButtonText = abp.localization.abpWeb('Cancel');
        abp.libs.sweetAlert.config.confirm.confirmButtonText = abp.localization.abpWeb('Yes');

Where are this rosources ? In Localization AbpWeb resource is missing... Thnaks for help !


I have problem with using KENDO UI componets with ABP. I have test home controller :

public ActionResult CategoriesRead([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)

            List<Work> lissOfWorks = new List<Work>() {
                new Work { Name = "Martin", SureName = "HAHA1", ProjectName = "Projekt A", Date = DateTime.Today },
                new Work { Name = "Ondřej", SureName = "HAHA2", ProjectName = "Projekt B", Date = DateTime.Today },
                new Work { Name = "Tomáš", SureName = "HAHA3", ProjectName = "Projekt A", Date = DateTime.Today },
                new Work { Name = "Lukáš", SureName = "HAHA4", ProjectName = "Projekt B", Date = DateTime.Today },

            DataSourceResult result = lissOfWorks.ToDataSourceResult(request, work => new {

            return Json(result);

In home view this:

      .Columns(columns =>
          columns.Bound(work => work.Name);
          columns.Bound(work => work.SureName);
          columns.Bound(work => work.ProjectName);
      .DataSource(dataSource =>
        dataSource.Ajax().Read(read => read.Action("CategoriesRead", "Home"))
      .Pageable() // Enable paging
      .Sortable() // Enable sorting

ABP covert ajax response with custom wrapper data and GRID no work:

error: null
result: {data: [{name: "Ondřej", sureName: "HAHA1", projectName: "Projekt A"},…], total: 4,…}
success: true
unAuthorizedRequest: false

The response should look like this:

AggregateResults: null
Data: [{Name: "Ondřej", SureName: "Pětník", ProjectName: "HAHA1 B"},…]
Errors: null
Total: 4

How solve this issue ? thanks !

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