I'm trying to download the latest version of my project and when I click on "Download latest version" an icon spins for a few seconds and nothing else happens.
I am working on setting up a custom external authentication and am following the guidance from this documentation: External Authentication - ASP.NET Boilerplate. However, I’ve encountered a few issues in the process:
1- In ExternalAuthManager.cs, within the CreateProviderApi method, my new custom authentication provider does not appear in the _externalAuthConfiguration.ExternalLoginInfoProviders list; 2- When authenticating via the standard form-based authentication, TryAuthenticateAsync is called on my custom external authentication, which is not the intended behavior; 3- I am looking for a way to implement a new external authentication flow using tokens (similar to OpenIdConnect) rather than a username/password. Specifically, I aim to authenticate using the ExternalAuthenticate endpoint in the TokenAuthController;
Any guidance or insights on resolving these issues would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the code I'm using for the test:
We are trying to run the storybook in aspnet zero, the installation goes well but when we run the storybook we get an invalid string length error when it starts generating the documentation.
I was wondering if anyone had a good solution to this issue. Our aspnet zero version is 8.1, with angular 9.1.
We have tried running it on a fresh new application with same framework versions and the error persists, but if we run it on a standard angular (without aspnet zero) applicaiton it goes well.
Is it possible to get a roadmap for the rest of 2019, we have viewed the version here but additional info would be appreciated. We understand that it is subject to change based on priorities but it would be good to understand the current order of upcoming features.
Are you able to share some more information regarding this new feature you are working on? Also expected release date?
We are using ASP.NET CORE & Angular .NET Core 2.1 v5.6.2, and I need to find which are the browsers supported and versions. Is there any documentation where you have this details?
Hi all,
I've added in our core module the following settings in order to support UTC time and multitimezone
//Adding setting providers
Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc;
And then in our appsettings the default TimeZone
"Abp": {
"Timing": {
"TimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
However when I run the project it always displays UTC as the default timezone. As a workaround I've removed TimingSettingProvider and added it manuallly in my shared settings the following that will read that property from appsettings. Did I missed something here?
new SettingDefinition(TimingSettingNames.TimeZone,
GetFromSettings("Abp:Timing:Timezone", "UTC"), null, //TODO: Can we use here localization?
scopes: SettingScopes.Application | SettingScopes.Tenant | SettingScopes.User,
clientVisibilityProvider: new VisibleSettingClientVisibilityProvider())
I'm adding some tests for a global notification process. Basically I've registered an EntityCreatedEventData in the evenbus and every time a record is created a notification is published. All works ok while debugging the app. But now I want to lock this behaviour by adding some unit test that replicate this logic. However I couldn't figure out how to make this work. In the unit test below, a new notification is publised, current users is subscribed, Created Event is raised, but notificationSubscriptionManager returns always 0. Can you help me with this one?
public NotificationAppService_Tests()
_notificationAppService = Resolve<INotificationAppService>();
_userNotificationManager = Resolve<IUserNotificationManager>();
_notificationSubscriptionManager = Resolve<INotificationSubscriptionManager>();
_taskRepository = Resolve<IRepository<TaskEntity, long>>();
public async Task User_Receives_NewTaskCreated_Notification()
//Subscribe current user to NewTaskCreated
var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
await _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeAsync(user.ToUserIdentifier(), AppNotificationNames.NewTaskCreated);
//Create a new task:
long taskId = 0;
Action action = () =>
using (var uow = Resolve<IUnitOfWorkManager>().Begin())
taskId = _taskRepository.InsertAndGetId(new TaskEntity
Name = "New task for subscribers!!",
CreatorUserId = AbpSession.UserId,
LastModifierUserId = AbpSession.UserId,
TenantId = AbpSession.TenantId,
Code = "01",
Description = "New task for subscribers!!",
OwnerUserId = AbpSession.UserId,
PermitId = 1, //Should be present in
var newTaskCreated = _taskRepository.FirstOrDefault(taskId);
//// Notify subscribers <== this happen in the EntityCreatedEventData once uow.Complerted()
//// await _appNotifier.NewTaskCreatedAsync(newTaskCreated);
var userSubscriptions = _notificationSubscriptionManager
//User should receive notification
var notifications = _userNotificationManager.GetUserNotifications(
.ShouldBeGreaterThan(0); // <== **FAILS HERE retrieves 0 notifications!!!**
var item = notifications.First();
Hi, According to documentation "ing" events are atomic, but when running the following test entity is actually updated. Issue 751
public void Should_Rollback_UOW_In_Updating_Event()
var updatingTriggerCount = 0;
var updatedTriggerCount = 0;
eventData =>
eventData.Entity.Name.Should().Be("Permit 2");
throw new ApplicationException("A sample exception to rollback the UOW.");
eventData =>
//Should not come here, since UOW is failed
using (var uow = Resolve<IUnitOfWorkManager>().Begin())
var person = _permitRepository.Single(p => p.Name == "Permit");
person.Name = "Permit 2";
Assert.True(false, "Should not come here since ApplicationException is thrown!");
catch (ApplicationException)
//hiding exception
.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Permit")
.NotBeNull(); //should not be changed since we throw exception to rollback the transaction
It fails in the last validation where the Permit name should be the original name. Any ideas why this happen?
Hi, according to the documentation flaticons used are https://keenthemes.com/metronic/preview/?page=components/icons/flaticon&demo=default However the version I can download from my account it contains a different sets of icons, and seems to be just demo ones, a limited version of them.
Am I doing something wrong? Where can I get the right version of flaticons?