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Activities of "kpmg"

Hi Everyone.

I am dealing with various environments and I want to adjust the migrator project to be able to deal with more than one default connection string.

My idea was to use command line arguments f.e. -e environmentName that the appsettings.environmentName.json gets loaded. Unfortunately, I can’t pass that argument to the bootstrapper during startup.


var bootstrapper = AbpBootstrapper.Create<TestMigratorModule>()

So my idea was to reinitialize it with the environment name

using (var test = bootstrapper.IocManager.ResolveAsDisposable<TestMigratorModule>())

So far so good. In my IConfigurationRoot the builder created two configurations. But, in the MultiTenantMigrateExecuter.cs in the Run method there is no way to reference the second configuration.

var hostConnStr = _connectionStringResolver.GetNameOrConnectionString(new ConnectionStringResolveArgs(MultiTenancySides.Host));
if (hostConnStr.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
Log.Write("Configuration file should contain a connection string named 'Default'");

My goal is: Basicly I want to copy paste alle appsettings.XYZ.json from the .Web.Host project to the migrator and use the connection string of one of these config files. Another option would be to just add all connection strings with a different name in the appsettings.json of the migrator project. How can I get this done?

Kinde regards! Christian

Hi Aaron!

Thank you for you answer. I changed all the targetframework attributes and it almost worked out. The problem was SignalR that I had to also adjust to the .Net Core template.

So I adjusted a bunch of classes that I fortunately did not change since the project start. But now after all the changes I stuck during the startup on an error:

‘MyProject.Web.Chat.SignalR.SignalRChatCommunicator' is waiting for the following dependencies:

  • Service 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.IHubContext`1[[MyProject.Web.Chat.SignalR.ChatHub, MyProject.Web.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' which was not registered.’ Do you know where I can register the IHubContext? I could not find the place in a blank .Net Core project where that is done.

Thanks a lot!

Hi everyone! We downloaded by mistake a project with .NET 4.6.1 as framework. Unfortunately, we need to have the application on .NET Core 2. Is there a way to manipulate our solution that the target framework is .NET Core 2.1 instead? Thanks in advance! Christian

thank you,

i e-mailed my development manager to add me to this list. when i have access i will have a look at the linked issue

best regards

Do i need to login to git with the same email address, as the account for this forum?

i am logged in

The link is broken


i generated crud operations with the zero tool for an entity. The modal dialog is to small for creating and editing my entity. So i decided to create a new component and navigate with a routerLink to it. The navigation works, but the opened dropdown stays in the dom of the page until a complete pagereload is done.

<a [routerLink]="exampleRoute" [queryParams]="exampleParams">
                 Do Something

as a workaround i added this the function

closeDropdown(event) {

and changed the link to:

<a (click)="closeDropdown($event)" [routerLink]="exampleRoute" [queryParams]="exampleParams">
                 Do Something

is this a bug or am i missing something in the routerlink?

thank you

that is the workaround.

i compared my code with the generated one from the main page with the p-table for an entity and realized that this also wrapped with a div and the primeng-datatable-container class.

Shouldn't the styles be applied automatically, like in the showcase of primeng []) ?


i wanted to use pTable in a modal bootstrap dialog.

I used the zero powertool to generate main components.

In the create or edit modal component i added the p-table from primeNg but no styles are applied to the table.

I have added the class 'primeng-datatable-container' to p-table tag as a workaround.

thx for your help

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