Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "kunnummal"


Can any one help me on

while i search for how to call store procedure ? i'm getting following result : - context.Database.

what is context in the above line.


Can you help me how to get Host admin mailId.

Please give some ideas.


Hi, How to call this method in webservice "_loginManager.LoginAsynbc(User,Password,TenatName)"

Please check my web service code

public class LoginSample : System.Web.Services.WebService
        private readonly LogInManager _logInManager;
        public LoginSample(
           LogInManager logInManager)
            _logInManager = logInManager;

        public string HelloWorld()
            return "Hello World";


        public int GetTenant(string strTenancy, string strUser, string strPassword)
            int n = 0;
            var result = _logInManager.LoginAsync(strUser, strPassword, strTenancy);
            switch (result.Result.Result)
                case AbpLoginResultType.Success:
                    return result.Result.Tenant.Id;
                  //  break;
                    return n;
                   // break;



I used webservice in boiler plate application(Login verification purpose). That webservice check the tenant name,user and password if success and return login based on tenantId. This webservice i called one application that time i am getting this error "SoapException was unhandled". Please check my Code and give some tips (or) example [WebMethod] public async Task<int> GetTenantId(string strTenancy, string strUser, string strPwd) { int tentId = await GetLoginResult(strTenancy, strUser, strPwd); return tentId; }

    private async Task&lt;int&gt; GetLoginResult(string strTenancy, string strUser, string strPassword)

        string strRetVal = "";
        int TId = 0;
            var loginResult = await _logInManager.LoginAsync(strUser, strPassword, strTenancy);
            switch (loginResult.Result)
                case AbpLoginResultType.Success:
                    return loginResult.Tenant.Id;
                    return TId;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

[b]Here I am calling webservice[/b] LoginSample.LoginSample obj = new LoginSample.LoginSample(); var n = obj.GetTenantId(strTen, strUser, strPwd);

Please give some suggestions. Thanks


when I tried to call web service method i'm getting 'SOAP WEB EXCEPTION' error.

this is my code pl. review the code and correct me if there is any wrong in this code.


        public async Task<int> GetTenantId(string strTenancy, string strUser, string strPwd)
            int tentId = await GetLoginResult(strTenancy, strUser, strPwd);
            return tentId;

        private async Task<int> GetLoginResult(string strTenancy, string strUser, string strPassword)

            string strRetVal = "";
            int TId = 0;
                var loginResult = await _logInManager.LoginAsync(strUser, strPassword, strTenancy);
                switch (loginResult.Result)
                    case AbpLoginResultType.Success:
                        return loginResult.Tenant.Id;
                        return TId;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;


string strUser = txtUsername.Text.Trim();
            string strPwd = txtPassword.Text.Trim();
            string strTen = txtTenancy.Text.Trim();

 LoginSample.LoginSample obj = new LoginSample.LoginSample();

textBox1.Text = obj.GetTenantId(strTen, strUser, strPwd).ToString(); ---- here i'm getting SOAP WEB EXCEPTION method error while calling WEB SERVICE


I want to use ABPUsers table username and password for both Web Application and Windows Application but the password was encrypted with hash value. How to decrypt this hash value??

Also i tried to call WEB Api in Windows application but unable to retreive the password.

Looking forward for the support.


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