Could you share your AppService and its interface ?
May I have your email address?
Yes, I already add UoW to ViewComponent manually, but my custom App Services are still show error "ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'unitOfWork')". What should I do here to check if I missed something?
My App Service is inherit from AppServiceBase and it's interface
Thank you, it is okay now
Btw, there is another issue relate to UniOfWork, after upgrading, I need to add [UnitOfWork] to some AppService and ViewComponent to made it work, but I don't see it on original project. What should I do to avoid issue of UoW is null
Hi team, I''m doing upgrading from 10.x.x to 13.x.x and get problem with ChatHub.connection.connectionState is undefined now. What I should check to fix this issue? On old version (10.x.x), connectionState is still there
It is also error "Chat is not connected!" when I tested with version 13.1.0 downloaded from website
I'm facing this error everytime open page "CreateOrEdit". It's error at "abp.ajax" to call modal for select (selectedEntityId)
Another issue is about AntiForgeryToken when I click Save button, I'm not sure how to set it on Startup.cs, also tried to add and remove but still not working. Could u help me check this?
Hi @kworkme,
Also, are the entities in the navigation properties still included in your project? Based on the first JSON file you sent, is the
entity still in your project?
Yes, it is similar to PreconditionTranslation on screenshot above. It is Multi-lingual entity for AIReply class. If you don't recommend this way, what should I do to fix? I also followed exactly tutorial on https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Multi-Lingual-Entities
Thank you for quickly support. We have been using version 10.x.x for quite some time now and we have decided to upgrade our project to latest version 13.x.x.
During the upgrading, we are facing some problems. Could you please help to live support via chat (Google Meet)? It seems that there are significant changes from version 10.x.x to 13.x.x. Therefore, I may need you help to review the conflict codes and give recommend about upgrading and implementation to make project work stable and smoothly.