Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "kyckradmin"


Hi Guys,

I'm looking for some information on adding CMS functionality to the ASPNET Zero public site, currently I'm looking for ab opensource solution (OrchardCore, Piranha, etc...) and was wondering if anyone had any experience with this or if it's even possible?

Any advice, tips, tricks, or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards.

When the Portal is running with a single instance the SignalR can keep the connection normally because just there 1 node, but when the Portal is running in with multiple instances there is a problem with SignalR because we have more than one node. So a single instance of the portal works fine, but multiple instances of the portal do not work correctly, the chat feature becomes unresponsive as connections are being dropped.

Connections to SignalR start to drop as you can see in this screen shot. Scroll down to see the errors. [attachment=0:1e5qwp3r]SignalR_Issue_Cropped.png[/attachment:1e5qwp3r]

Hi Folks, When a new friend is added to a user, the users cache is not being updated when using the Redis cache manager. If using an InMemory cache then everything works fine.

This code snippet below, updates the user item with a new friend, but it does not write this back to the cache anywhere. I also can't see any methods on the userFriendCache interface for writing to the cache. Where is the best place to do this?

This cause problems in a clustered environment, we currently have a 5 node cluster, the only way we can get the users cache to update correctly is to stop the cluster and restart. This then will pickup the new friends associated with the user when it is loaded from the database. The chat feature is basically unusable with this issue.

public void AddFriend(UserIdentifier userIdentifier, FriendCacheItem friend)
            var user = GetCacheItemOrNull(userIdentifier);
            if (user == null)
            lock (_syncObj)
                if (!user.Friends.ContainsFriend(friend))

Kind Regards Noel


Hi guys,

I was just looking for some clarification on the bundling process and how it happens on the public site.

After pushing the site to a hosted environment the icons (font-awesome/gliphicons) were not loading/displaying, after some research we found that the required font/image files weren't being copied over to a directory used on the hosted site. We have created a script to automate this process and everything is displaying now.

I was wondering if the "npm create-bundles" command in the start-up guide should cover this task or if it is meant to be a manual task?

Any information on the process would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Folks, I'm wondering if anyone has advice on the best approach to manage localisation using Handlerbars/Mustach for client side template generation using the the build in client side location.

Kind Regards

Hi Folks, We have an ASP.CORE 2.1 MVC+JQuery application, based on the v5.5 templates. When we run this in debug mode on the developers machine everything works fines.

If we switch to release mode on a developer box the Login screen appears, but once we successfully login, we don't move onto the next screen we get the following JSON response back,


but no UI elements. It's the JSON that renders in the browser, it's as if it is missing generating the View altogether.

I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this before and may know what the issue is. We have a similar issue when we deploy to Azure, but at least we can reproduce it locally here in release mode.

Point Of Interest If we then take the targetURL from above, and paste it into the browser, it displays the App page, but none of the action buttons work.

The only change we have made locally is to point to a local instance of a SQLEXPRESS database.

Hi Folks, We need to add some additional database structures and data to the base database. I'm just wondering if you have a recommended approach to managing this so that both ASP.NET Zero and our own migrations can be kept in sync going forward. My main concern is that if we put these in the actual EntityFrameworkCore project they will get over written on an upgrade of the product.

Anyone any suggestions?

Hi Folks, We're attempting to extended our generated ASPNET.ZERO Web Application library with Razor View class libraries. We have a very basic page up and running using a simple controller , but we needed to modify the Startup.cs to register the external library by convention. IocManager.RegisterAssemblyByConvention(type(RazorLibrary.SomeType).GetAssembly());

I'm just wondering if there is an way to get this registration without having to modify any code. Is it possible to register these with configuration maybe?

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