Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "leonardocooper"

Worked like a charm. Thank you

I added a small change to call the base method in case it dont find the header.

`protected override string GetClientIpAddress() { try { var httpContext = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;

    if (httpContext?.Request?.Headers?.ContainsKey("CF-Connecting-IP") ?? false)
        return httpContext.Request.Headers["CF-Connecting-IP"];

catch (Exception ex)

return base.GetClientIpAddress();


Angular+Core Project

The IP address logged on "Audit logs" and also on "Login attemps" is the IP from Cloudflare's service, and not the real user IP address.

The IP I need logged is in the http header "CF-Connecting-IP".

Is there a way to make the system get that IP for the user? Which class/method should I override to make this work?

Thank you, Leonardo C.


I've inserted a new line into AbpUserLogins with the correct providerKey which I've got from the frontend login attempt and is working now.


How to enable external login (Google) for existing users authenticating with username/password?


We are using ASP.NET Core + Angular v4.

After a new tenant is created, he/she receives an email to confirm the email address, the URL to activate looks like this: <a class="postlink" href=""></a><span style="color:#0080FF">account/confirm-email</span>?userId=60002&confirmationCode=96e62c693f7147ba9c84968fcdc6f248&tenantId=9002

After clicking this link, the email is confirmed and then the user is redirected to the login page: <a class="postlink" href=""></a><span style="color:#0080FF">/account/login</span>

<span style="color:#BF0000">After the user input the correct credentials, he/she is again redirected to the email confirmation page:</span> <a class="postlink" href=""></a><span style="color:#0080FF">account/confirm-email</span>?userId=60002&confirmationCode=96e62c693f7147ba9c84968fcdc6f248&tenantId=9002

Which this time gives an error saying the email is already confirmed. I believe it should redirect the user to the application instead right?

Same thing happens when a user is registering into a tenant and clicks to activate his/her email.

Thank you.

What is the best approach to keep in sync with aspnetzero releases?

We were replicating commit by commit of the DEV branch, but when you did a rebase we got lost of the track, so… should we wait for the changes to be applied in the MASTER branch?

Also, are you going to merge or rebase the MASTER? If possible please do not rebase the master branch.


When executing the migrator of the 4.0.0 version into a database created with 3.4.0 version, I get this error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): There is already an object named 'AbpEditions' in the database.

To replicate: 1- Create a database with the 3.4.0 version 2- Download the 4.0.0 project 3- Run the migrator on top of the database created in step 1

So my first question is if I should expect this kind of break between major versions (3 to 4) or if this is something that was not supposed to happen?


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