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Activities of "leop"

Does Angular site support custom domains? (e.g. <a class="postlink" href=""></a>) Is there a way to set something like this up? It seems there are a few hurdles for this, such as CORS config on the Host site. Does anyone have this working?

Thanks, ~Leo

I'm having issues with redirects to public site after logging in when I have subdomains configured on Public site.

Public site config: App:WebSiteRootAddress = https://{TENANCY_NAME} App:AdminWebSiteRootAddress = https://{TENANCY_NAME}

MVC site config: App:WebSiteRootAddress = https://{TENANCY_NAME} App:RedirectAllowedExternalWebSites = https://{TENANCY_NAME}

When I navigate to Public home page and do a Login, it navigates to MVC site to render login UI, but does NOT return to the Public site after login. The URL does show a correct returnUrl in the query string (e.g. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ount/Login</a>)

Does Public site support {TENANCY_NAME} subdomains? I'm using version 5.6


The Timezone setting options are not showing up for me in the settings.

I see there is this code that may be preventing it from showing in App\Views\Settings\Index.cshtml

@if (!ViewBag.IsMultiTenancyEnabled || Clock.SupportsMultipleTimezone)

What is the reason for clock.SupportsMultipleTimezone? Is that another setting or detected automatically?


I'm seeing an issue where data for Tenant_A is shown for Tenant_B in the case where user is Anonymous. It appears that either incorrect TenantId is being read from TenantCache for Anonymous users, or some other issue is present - or maybe I'm incorrectly surfacing the TenantId in my Session object. Incorrect TenantId is present in AbpSession object in DbPerTenantConnnectionStringResolver - GetCurrentTenantId() method.

This behavior does not happen for users that are signed in.

A little about my setup... I set up tenant detection by hostname using SaasKit (<a class="postlink" href=""></a>), which works quite well.

SaasKit plugs into ConfigureServices in Startup.cs where it resolves the tenant using hostname via TenantManager - at the point I create the Tenant object (load it using TenantManager) and makes it available via IoC.

public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddMultitenancy<Tenant, TenantResolverService>();

            services.AddMvc(options =>
                options.Filters.Add(new AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute());
            options.IocManager.Register<IAbpSession, MtfSession>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);


public class TenantResolverService : ITenantResolver<Tenant>
        private readonly TenantManager _tenantManager;
        public TenantResolverService(TenantManager tenantManager)
            _tenantManager = tenantManager;

        public Task<TenantContext<Tenant>> ResolveAsync(HttpContext context)
            TenantContext<Tenant> tenantContext = null;

            var hostname = context.Request.Host.Value;
            var hostnameParts = hostname.Split('.');

            var tenant = _tenantManager.FindByHostnameAsync(hostname).Result;

            if (tenant == null && hostnameParts.Length > 0)
                var subdomain = hostnameParts[0];
                tenant = _tenantManager.FindByTenancyNameAsync(subdomain).Result;

            if (tenant != null)
                tenantContext = new TenantContext<Tenant>(tenant);
            return Task.FromResult(tenantContext);

I extend the ClaimsAbpSession class (IAbpSession) to return TenantId from the Tenant object created above.

public class MtfSession : ClaimsAbpSession
        private readonly Tenant _tenant;

        public override int? TenantId
                if (base.PrincipalAccessor.Principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    return base.TenantId;

                if (_tenant != null)
                    // Special case TenantID 1, this is the Host tenant
                    return _tenant.Id == MultiTenancyConsts.DefaultTenantId ? new int?() : _tenant.Id;
                return base.TenantId;   

        public MtfSession(IMultiTenancyConfig multiTenancy, Tenant tenant) : base(multiTenancy)
            _tenant = tenant;

If I inject my session object directly into a View, it always shows correct Tenant info - however, when session object reads TenantId from DbPerTenantConnnectionStringResolver.cs, it shows incorrect TenantId.

Any help with this is really appreciated!!

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