I am sorry but i am still not able to proceed far. I think I am unable to understand the concepts here. Let me put that into some perspective :
I have two DBContext Context A and Context B. Context A is Abp database and Context B is let's say Adventureworks database.
I need to call a stoired procedure in Adventureworks database.
The article written in the link talks about using repository pattern accessing a table and getting a defined result. What I plan to do is build an interface where users are going to declare the stored procedure name, and the parameters and I should be able to execute this in Adventureworks and get the result back.
I tried creating a AdventureRepository base but couldn't move forward. Can you please me further, i am kind of stuck here?
I injected IOnlineClientManager but didn't see GetByUserIdorNull rather it's GetAllByUserId. And there is no clear documentation on how to get the number of active users. Any help is appreciated.
I have two database context , Context A and Comntext B The Context A is for my Abp Project and Context B is for a separete database. Both are in MS SQL Server.
I want to run stored procedure in the database for Context B. How do I run the stored procedure and get the result ?
I saw the repositorybase class under EntityFrameworkcore project and found the below comment :
//add your common methods for all repositories
Then I refered the link below
Do I still have to write the repsoitory class and tthe helper class mentioned in the link ?
I need some directions.
I am using .NET Core
I am using abp.ui.block() and recieved this error.
I am using Aspmnet Core Angular 6.4
Can I get some sample code to display he message returned from the Server when upload is complete ? I am trying to capture :
return Json(new AjaxResponse("some message)); from the file controller and show them on the client side.
Which event of p-Fileupload should I use and how to use.
Thanks in advance
I have created 3 components Component A Component B and Component C. Component A & B are placed in Component C.
Component A is a File Upload Control {Ng-FileUpload" and Component B is a dynamic form.
I would like to pass data from Coponent B to Component A while uploading the file.
Any suggestion to do it the right way ?
I am trying to run a back ground job to send notification to users. Whatever I write it doesn't work. Can you guide me on how to write. My sample code :
using (CurrentUnitOfWork.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))
var objectstoRetrieve = _objectRetrievalStatusLogRepository.GetAll().Where(/*p => p.ExpectedAvailableDateTime > Clock.Now && */p => p.IsAvailable == false);
var oneMonthAgo = Clock.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
foreach (var objecttoRetrieve in objectstoRetrieve)
UserIdentifier userIdentifier =
new UserIdentifier(objecttoRetrieve.TenantId, objecttoRetrieve.CreatorUserId.Value);
_appNotifier.SendObjectAvailabilityMessageAsync(userIdentifier, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Am I missing something here ?
No this didn't work, but when i increased the RAM it got resolved temporarily but keeps getting back now and then
No it didn't solve. for the time being i am compiling without --prod
its the latest version in Aspnetzero 6.4. i downloaded it 2 days back