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Activities of "maharatha"

This is how I implemented :

public static void BulkInsert<TEntity, TPrimaryKey>(IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> repository, IEnumerable<TEntity> entities) where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>, new() { var enumerable = entities as IList<TEntity> ?? entities.ToList(); if (enumerable.Any()) { if (!Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.LicenseManager.ValidateLicense()) { throw new Exception("Invalid License!"); } var dbContext = repository.GetDbContext(); //dbContext.Set<TEntity>().AddRange(entities); dbContext.BulkInsert(enumerable); } }

The BulkInsert is from Z.Entityframework and it works fine. It also has BulkInserAsync, but the moment I make the method Async and use Await operator I am losing my DbContext. Any reason ?

I will also implement the Caching and update the thread

if (zip.trim().length > 2) {
               $.getJSON('' + zip).success(function (response) {
                   var city = [],
                       state = [],
                       country = [];
                   //find the city , state and country
                   if (response.results[0]) {
                       var address_components = response.results[0].address_components;
                       Ext.each(address_components, function (component) {
                           var types = component.types;
                           Ext.each(types, function (type) {
                               if (type == 'locality') {
                               if (type == 'administrative_area_level_1') {
                                   state.push({ name: component.long_name, state: component.short_name });
                               if (type == 'country') {
                                   country.push({ name: component.long_name, country: component.short_name });

                       if (stateCombo && state.length > 0) {
                           var stateRecord = stateCombo.getStore().findRecord('state', state[0].state);
                           if (stateRecord) {
                           else {
                       if (countryCombo && country.length > 0) {
                           var countryRecord = countryCombo.getStore().findRecord('country', country[0].country);
                           if (countryRecord) {
                           else {

Can you help me on this ?


I am trying to access the google API from the client side and below is the error I am getting :

XMLHttpRequest cannot load <a class="postlink" href=""> ... dress=4566</a>. Request header field X-XSRF-TOKEN is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.

Please advise.

Thank You for the response.

Now I found this ZZZ framework to be more useful for second level caching :

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this. var ctx = new EntitiesContext();

// The first call perform a database round trip var countries1 = ctx.Countries.FromCache().ToList();

// Subsequent calls will take the value from the memory instead var countries2 = ctx.Countries.FromCache().ToList();

I am not sure how to use it as the repositories does provide the FromCache property.

Hi -

This question if more towards entityframework rather than AspnetZero, but I would like see if i can get some answers.

I have basically 4 tables , let's say A, B, C & D.

C inherits A -- C:A D inherits B -- D:B

A is the header table and B is the detail tables. So there is a foreign key relationship between A & B

var query2 = D.GetAll()
                .Include(p => p.B)
                .Include(p => p.A)
               .Include (p =>p.C)

I am able to access all properties of B & A but unable to access properties of C.

Any help would be appreciated

Should I use Index on TenantID and IsDeleted column as we use it in every query

i am more interested in Second Level Cache for Entity Framework 6.1

<a class="postlink" href=""></a>

Can you let me know where should I make the changes to have this implemented in my project.

Thank you for all your help so far.

Thank you sir !!!

I am also evaluating cached db for model store as mentioned below :

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... rformance/</a>

can you throw some light on how I can implement this with respect to ABP

Hi All -

I am facing some serious slowness when Entityframework loads the data for the first time.

Any idea to make the initial load faster ?

Secondly I would like to use views , so would like to create a view using code first approach. Could you provide some guidance

Thanks, Partha

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