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Activities of "mahendra"

V 5.2.0

Regards, Mahendra

Hi Support, Any update? Regards, Mahendra

This issue is resolved.

What is your product version? 8.2.0 What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core

Steps needed to reproduce the problem.

  1. On Login screen, enter Email:"Admin" and password="123qwe" and press Login button.
  2. Goto Administration-->Settings-->Security tab.
  3. On "Security" tab "Enable user account locking on failed login attempts" checkbox is enabled, "Maximum number of failed login attempt count before locking the account" value is 3 and "Account locking duration (as seconds)" is 300.
  4. Logout
  5. Try to enter any user email and incorrect password who is already active multiple times.
  6. On each attempts (4th and onwards also), getting same error message "Login failed! Invalid username or password" while on 4th attemps, user should have to get the warning related to "user lockout".
  7. Now try to login same user with same email and correct password, user is suessfully login while at this step user should not get login and get warning message.


When I chaged the datatype of my Dto from DateTime to DateTimeOffset, the GraphQL started returning the time with date value. But the next problem started in AutoMapper.

Now my entity class has a DateTime datatype but my dto (say, CreateOrUpdate DTO) has a a DateTimeOffset datatype. Due to this it started throwing error while mapping the dto object to entity object or vice versa.

What is the best way to overcome this problem.

Regards, Mahendra


Please don't bother. The issue has been fixed by converting the daetime datetype to datetimeoffset datatype...

Regards, Mahendra

Hi, I am still waiting for the release from you. my project is on hold because of this. I appreciate if you please update me with the ETA.


As per you instructions, i have included the missing code and application compiled successfully. But after adding some rows at run time, searching functionility is also not working.

We have lot of entities which we have to add/modify which are not possible through manual process because it is requiring testing as well. Could you please give us some tentative date when latest utility will be available?

Could you please provide previous version of this utility for time being?


Thanks....Closing the ticket...

Regards, Mahendra

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