Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mahendra"


You can see the time that it takes in the below screen shot

Hi ismcagdas,

Sorry, am slightly confused..... In azure you have two scaling mode: Manual and Auto. So if I have setup Auto scaling mode and then on what basis I enable the background job....

Could you please give me an example...

Regards, Mahendra


Yes, I did. But this link only provides the usage of webhook. I need to create a new Webhook. for one of my master object. I mean whenever someone creates a new record, I need to push it to some third party via webhook.

Could you please provide me some step by step document...for creating a webhook

Regards, Mahendra


I cannot see the issue link that you created. Could you please re-send me the Git Hub issue link again.

Also I tried your suggestion above, but could not succeed.

Regards, Mahendra

Hi ismcagdas,

Thanks for your response.

We are using aspnetzero 8.2 version for our web application.Could you please confirm whether webpack is being used in this version also.


Hi musa.demir,

Please find my below response :

Can you please check if your server is up? Yes.

Can you please check if you can request http://localhost:22472/ in normal chrome browser? Yes..Please see the below screenshot

Is browserstack able to request your server? Can you please try to open http://localhost:22472/ in browserstack window?

We are getting following error:

Note : Browserstack team asked us to run our application on local IP address only and not on localhost reason being iOS will never recognize localhost.

Could you please help us in running our server side application also on the local IP address instead of localhost.

I would like to talk to you on phone or in a webex session let me know what is suitable for you to explain the issue. I understand this issue is escalated from our side reason being we are not left with any time to finish the work.


Hi ismcagdas,

I hope you are well. We are waiting for your response.. Could please help us in running our application on local IP address (i.e Both the server side and client side application).


Hi ismcagdas,

Any update for us ?

Best Regards

Hi ismcagdas,

We have tested a simple HTML file which is hosted on local IIS and it is working fine via browserstack. Please see the below screenshot :

To run the browserstack, we get the browser stack msi from their website..After installation we launch this. It opens in browser, then we select the devices and choose the browsers and test with our local machine Urls.

Note: We don't want to bother you for the Browserstack, Our objective with you is if you could please help us in running our application on local IP address (i.e Both the server side and client side application).


hi ismcagdas,

192.x.x.x IP address is not open to public. It is local IP address.. Browser stack team asked us to run our application on local IP address instead of localhost.

Could you please help us to acheive this..


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