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Activities of "majid"


Thanks @maliming Solved

Thanks @maliming Solved

Hi @ismcagdas This problem does not exist when we are in the program. But when we close the program and reopen it, the value of ApiUrlConfig is the same as the one we set on the server.

I store information in serverInformation.ServerRootAddress and ApiUrlConfig.BaseUrl at the same time(According to the above post) . As you can see in the image below, the serverInformation.ServerRootAddress value is correct, but the ApiUrlConfig.BaseUrl value returns to the previous settings(Server Side Settings).

Hi @alper We only use IIS and we don't use NGINX.

Please guide, where do we check that "Abp.TenantId" comes as "Abp-TenantId" (Function name or method to check)? I don't think there is a problem with this. Because in debug mode, TenantId is fetched from the server immediately by entering TenantName

More explanation: No errors are written to the log file server when calling "IsTenantAvailable" . But when the Xamarin program receives the TenantId , the program falls into the following code

More explanation that we turn off all vpn and proxy .

The web and swagger programs run correctly. This problem is only in the xamarin program.

This problem only occurs once in the beginning of the program and in the explanation given

Hi @ismcagdas I made a great effort to solve the problem. But the problem was not solved. At the top of the page I put my problem in the movie format.

can you show the issue with a video?

@alper See the problem as a movie:

My problem is not connecting to the service , Because after importing TenantName, I get TenantId from server. My problem is when I first log in and the tenant is empty. When I open the application and the tenant is empty, I can't even log in with the correct data (In this situation, the Tenant and Username and Password are not empty). I enter the tenant and the username and password and click the login button several times, but each time it gives the following error: I need to close and reopen the app so that I can login successfully. Please follow the same steps in the Xamarin program and announce the result.

I tested on Samsung j7 and Asus fonepad . Application version Thanks

After several days of trying, the problem was fixed by updating the Visual Studio version. Upgrade to version 16.2.3

To inform the app development team: Upgrading the Visual Studio version works well without errors. Upgrading the ModernHttpClient version through the nugget from (modernhttpclient Version 2.4.2) to (modernhttpclient-updated Version 3.4.4) gives the following error: call failed : cleartext communication not enabled for client

thanks :)

Thank you for your follow up Yes,I tested with different api (26,23,22,16). I have the same problem for all of them.

More explanation With each client request (such as a browser request) the request information is logged on the server side. But when calling xamarin, no data is logged on the server side. (With the documentation mentioned in previous posts)

I tested with different api:

I had even added the code on the stackoverflow site to the project But it didn't :(

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