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Activities of "maliming"

try remove: JSON.stringify

data: {
    ColumnName1: $("#selector1").val(),
    HasHeader: $("#selector2").is("checked")

The simplest solution: The application sets the TenantId at the same time each time the system is called. How it is set up depends on how you determine the current tenant. For example, set the HTTP request header: Abp.TenantId

Currently not implemented (requires a lot of changes)

Previous discussion:

Uncheck Use Default Credentials

What is the startup.cs content of your project?

You can refer to the code of zero:

If I understand what you mean correctly, I think you can use Host users to do these things, You can assign some tenants (TenantId) to some users (UserId) Then the Host user makes a judgment when operating the tenant.

Why not update the ObjectiveToleranceLimit with a new method?

If you want to update in the Update method, You first need to query the relevant ObjectiveToleranceLimit.

IE does not support the arrow function, we have to change to function.

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