It seems that ngx-bootstrap does not have localized files for Vietnamese languages.
You can add in ngx-bootstrap-locale-mapping.service.ts to add: 'vi': 'en'
Can you elaborate?
This is an open source: However, this is based on the Abp vNEXT framework. Of course the UI is generic.
I think you only need to design an HTML mail template, and then get the product list and replace it with the template. Is my understanding wrong?
Then do you want to give all tenants a seed data or a specific tenant? If it is all you get the collection of tenants directly here, if it is a specific tenant I believe you can know the tenant name in advance
Your can take look that:
Have you tried the solution provided in that post?
Before running the project, we need to run a npm task to bundle and minify the CSS and JavaScript files. In order to do that, we can open a command prompt, navigate to root directory of *.Web.Mvc project and run npm run create-bundles command. This command should be run when a new npm package is being added to the solution. Or you can just build your solution and all bundles will be updated automatically.
run npm run create-bundles
**command. **
Here are some introductions token-based-authentication