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Activities of "maliming"

The post did not see the attached log file you sent.

However, I guess it may be that the IIS application pool user does not have permission to connect to the database when Trusted_Connection=True

Note that currently only Facebook and Google authentication is implemented for Angular2 application. Microsoft and Twitter logins are on the road map.

This does not comply with security regulations.

But it can also be achieved. If you use JWT you can manually modify the expires.

If you are using IdentityServer, you can define a special client and modify the token expiration time.

You can refer to this sample[]) to use multiple database contexts.


Comment out this code under the Core module to send mail.

Configuration.ReplaceService<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);

Can make information about Microsoft related components very rich to help debug. My qq answer can be filled in at will.


"System": "Information" "Microsoft": "Information"

Modify the System and Microsoft log levels.

Turning Microsoft's log level to Debug or Trace may reveal more information.

I have received it and I will check it.

The point is that you need to reproduce this error. Otherwise it is difficult to figure out what happened.

You can reply to me in Chinese.

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