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Activities of "maliming"

hi pablotola

Are there any error logs of the application?


hi Siyeza

We usually use ITenantCache to get tenant info. It's will use cache inside.


Maybe you can try this:



ASP.NET Zero license includes 1-year upgrade and premium forum support. You will also have access to the private ASP.NET Zero GitHub repository so that you can track the changes, contribute to the code-base and open issues. After your license period ends, you can continue developing your application and using ASP.NET Zero for a lifetime. Besides, you can always update ASP.NET Boilerplate packages, since they are open-source projects (and will always remain as open-source). You will also be able to access to the documentation since it's public. On the other hand, your account will become passive and you will not be able to get ASP.NET Zero upgrades anymore, also you will not have access to the GitHub repository. Your premium forum membership will be ended. You cannot redeem any remaining project credits after your account is passivated. You can extend your license by 1 more year for 50% of your purchased license's current price. If you want to extend your license, you should do it within 1 month after your license expires.


The Shared project will be use by Xamarin. so it should benetstandard2.0.


You can refer to

We are in the process of upgrading aspnetzero to version 8.9.2.

What version did you upgrade from?


Your screenshot leaked your license code. I will check this problem.

HI @mahendra

hi @zyrel.sermon

Why are you using IDistributedCache instead of abp cache?

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