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8.7, jQuery

I have an entity, after editing, it saves, and the ajax calls fires clearForm().

Clear Form is:

        function clearForm(){

This erases all edits. If the user hits save it overwrites their changes.

Same thing when adding an entity.

Shouldn't the entity refresh?

I've followed these instructions for ensuring my app pool doesn't quit.

8.7 - jquery version - IIS 10

I setup a background worker and everything works fine, except it doesn't fire when the site is idle.

I have my app pool idle set to 0, and start mode to "Always Running".

I was expecting an email this morning and didn't receive it.

I went to the site and immediately got the email.

So background workers only fire when a request is made to the website - or is it something else?

Should I be using hangfire?

Or should I just create a windows service / console application to do these jobs?

Unit of work, clearing filters, etc. did the trick. that's how I do this when necessary now.

Thank you.

I have successfully accomplished this.

For anyone looking on how:

In Core project, next to your entity, you can create a domain service there, inheriting from workDomainServiceBase

Then, bring that into your appservice (in Applications).

Then, move methods required for your domain service from Applications, and have those methods call the function in the Domain service.

This will let you put certain methods "on an island" as needed.

Yes, thank you.

Ok, thanks

Ok - I'll do that. Thanks.

The challenge I have is I need to keep a time property, set to a user selectable timezone, that was a property of an entity.

For example, the user is in CST/CDT. The Tenant HQ is in EST. The entity is in PST.

They want to set a time for when that entity's deadline. 8:00AM PST, for example.

If using Tenant, the date time would be off by time difference between PST and EST. If the user is in CST, that time would be represented.

ANZ helpfully converts 8:00AM, if entered into a datetime field, to UTC, and stores that to the database. This is normally good. Except, when my user selects PST for the entity, then chooses 8:00AM for the deadline, ANZ uses settings to convert that datetime to the time zone for the tenant and or the user.

I need the time to be based on the time zone the user selected for the entity.

I am trying to solve this by using the entity's selected time zone, and setting the selected time to that selected time zone for the entity, then converting that to UTC.

				TimeZoneInfo timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(input.TimeZone);

				DateTime _dtTZ = DateTime.SpecifyKind(input.DeadlineTZ, DateTimeKind.Unspecified); // Strip the UTC from the time supplied
				DateTime _dt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(_dtTZ, timeZoneInfo, TimeZoneInfo.Utc); // Convert it as unspecified to a UTC

				input.Deadline = _dt;

In this scenario, if the user picks 8:00AM PST, what's posted to the server is 8:00 AM UTC. I set it's kind to be unspecified, then convert the new DateTime using the TimeZoneInfo the user selected. When this gets converted from 8:00 AM PST, I get 3PM UTC.

Basically, I may have a tenant in one time zone, with a user in another, setting a time for entity based on the ENTITY'S timezone.

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