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Hi maliming,
Ill try that, thanks for the feedback.
Hi maliming,
Yeah your right we cannot reproduce the issue on localhost.
About the demo. We cannot also reproduce cause it doesnt allow us to upload custom css.
hi maliming,
Were currently runnning aspnetzero 7.2.
I would like to ask, why GetCustomCss and GetTenantLogo slows down when I have multiple tabs for aspnetzero Ui(angular). When I open the UI(angular) on multiple times there are times that the page will load first before the Css and Logo for specific Tenant.
Images are actual timing of GetCustomCss and GetTenantLogo when loaded with multiple tabs.
Hi maliming,
I just sent you an email containing teamviewer connection.
We still cannot resolve the issue above on aspnetzero. What happens is even we passed the tenancy_name through subdomain it still cannot update the session to be used for specific tenant.
Thanks for your help.
Weve been trying to use multitenancy but cannot determine the tenant through TENANCY_NAME from url. Were using aspnetzero 7.2. TENANCY_NAME from url should set the tenant on the login page.
Here is what we have on appconfig/appsetting. Angular: appconfig.json "remoteServiceBaseUrl": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}", "appBaseUrl": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}",
Backend: appsetting.Production.json "ServerRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}", "ClientRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}", appsetting.Staging.json "ServerRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}", "ClientRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}",
Weve tried the solution/hack from and its working. But we want the solution from your end.
thanks will follow the thresd for updates
any update on this question?? thanks.