Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "matthew hull"

Greetings! I am trying to learn WEB MVC in general. I already have Entity Framework background, but I am trying to get back into the web. The sample projects that are available, which include Durandal or Angular, are quite overwhelming for a beginner--so I'm leaving those out and opting for a multi page application. I want to interface with everything in APB... Using the SimpleTaskSystem as a guideline, I am trying to make a MULTI PAGE application. I want to add a controller to list all the Tasks in the SimpleTaskSystem.... but i am absolutely LOST. I have no idea how to call the Application Services created. I don't want to learn Durandal or Angular just yet. Is there a small sample project somewhere that uses the multi-page (non SPA, non Angular, Non Durandal) approach that might be able to help me out?

Or can someone simply show me how I can add a view-only page which calls the GetTasks() method of the TaskAppService in the SimpleTaskSystem sample project. I am quick learn and I hope that if I can get a explanation for this that I will be well on my way.

Thank you

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