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Activities of "mbit"

Hello there, I have set up a project using Single Deployment - Multi Database approach. I login using a tenant admin (the one that is created on creating a new tenant, and is stored in tenant database). Under Settings - Appearance, I should be able to upload a tenant-specific css/logo. However, when I try this, a DBUpdateException is thrown, because of the FK Constraint (Table Tenant -> LastModifierUserId). So basically the system tries to set the tenant admin-user as LastModifierUser on the Tenant-Row of the host table, but since this user only exists in the tenant-database, it cannot be set. How can I solve this issue now? Is this a bug in Abp? Or is my setup causing the issue?

Thanks in advance


i just want to implement a service that starts some background jobs via hangfire, so i do:

public class MeEmailService : MeAppServiceBase, IMeEmailService
		protected IMeEmailSendService _SendService;
		protected readonly ITenantSettingsAppService _TenantSettingsAppService;
		protected readonly IBackgroundJobManager _backgroundJobManager;

		public MeEmailService(ITenantSettingsAppService TenantSettingsAppService, IBackgroundJobManager backgroundJobManager)
			_TenantSettingsAppService = TenantSettingsAppService;
			_backgroundJobManager = backgroundJobManager;

But somthing is missing, because i get this error at runtime: An error has occurred.","exceptionMessage":"Can't create component 'Abp.BackgroundJobs.BackgroundJobStore' as it has dependencies to be satisfied.\r\n\r\n'Abp.BackgroundJobs.BackgroundJobStore' is waiting for the following dependencies:\r\n- Service 'Abp.Domain.Repositories.IRepository`2[[Abp.BackgroundJobs.BackgroundJobInfo, Abp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[System.Int64, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]' which was not registered.

any hint for me what i am missing?

best regards Martin


to implement a custom api for external use i want to implement hmac authentification via a custom attribute like this:

namespace xxx.Api.Controllers
	public class ExportController : MeApiControllerBase

In a standalone mvc app all worked, but now i migrate the whole project to abp style.

In the implementation of the attribute i do: (McHmacAuthenticationAttribute is a common baseclass doing the most things)

namespace xxx.Authentication
    public class MeHmacAuthenticationAttribute : McHmacAuthenticationAttribute
        private readonly IMeApiKeyAppService _apikeyService;
		public MeHmacAuthenticationAttribute(IMeApiKeyAppService apikeyService)
            _apikeyService = apikeyService;

            ListResultOutput<MeApiKeyListDto> keys = _apikeyService.GetKeys();

but _apikeyService does not get injected. I tried to manually register:

public class MeApiModule : AbpModule
		public override void PreInitialize()
			Configuration.BackgroundJobs.IsJobExecutionEnabled = false;

		public override void Initialize()
			IocManager.Register<IMeApiKeyAppService, MeApiKeyAppService>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);

		public override void PostInitialize()

but this did not change anything.

can you please guide me to thi right direction to do this

thanks in advance Martin


to use hangfire, i do: Configuration.BackgroundJobs.UseHangfire(configuration => { configuration.GlobalConfiguration.UseSqlServerStorage("Default"); });

but how can i pass a queue configuration to hangfire as described below in the hangfire documentation: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ueues.html</a>

thank's in advance martin

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