Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mc xie"

permissions differentiate by roles, but the user belong one specific tenant if i want all the tenant user can one set of role. how to reach that. thanks.


code like above. but nothing wrong i guess.


totally can upload 3 files, i will upload rest files after this post. I have no idea about this issue, it's very strange. if you can give me any suggest that will be very nice. thank you.

I can see something wrong with you connect string, please check your connect string and you access right to your SQL server.


thank you so much, you are genious!


I am so glad to have you answers, I am successfully to reference the Abp.Zero and Abp.Entityframework by studying you example. Now Authenticate and Authorization is working now.

one more question is how to store the user's information in both client and aplication level after use login. I can see the IAbpsession have already have the UserId, we want to extend one more information.

For examples, we have a guidfield and have a companyIdfor each user because this two field is frequently used, so we want to store the guidand companyId in the global session(I think it must in session), and using in all application level, and client level.

The question is how to store this two field and how to fetch it from client side and application side in a best practice way. thanks for your great work.


First, i am very exciting to have this framework, i even can't sleep well when i start studying ABP. It's a great work, i want to express my thanks here.

I have seen many times of this two documents [[])] [[])]

I want to develop Authentication and Authorization in my project. we have a login page, once we get the user credential, how we store it into AbpSession with a specific field role ='Admin' and how we can define a attribute to limit the access who's role != 'Admin'.

I studied the Authorization document, but still confuse below example, why it can be defined.

public class MyAuthorizationProvider : AuthorizationProvider
    public override void SetPermissions(IPermissionDefinitionContext context)
        var administration = context.CreatePermission("Administration");

        var userManagement = administration.CreateChildPermission("Administration.UserManagement");

        var roleManagement = administration.CreateChildPermission("Administration.RoleManagement");

and where to define the user's permission?

thanks, MC

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