Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mcmaestro"

Yes, It have the Login Failed Exception information.

We found a workaround by using the abp.ajax function to take care of the login but still use our angular script for everything else.

Thanks @hikalkan and everyone else help on this.

I have decided the second option that you mentioned is good and I have made some great progress but I have ran into another issue. Locally when I have the two application running and I try to login to the second app. After the first app redirects back to the second app. The AbpSession information from the first app is referenced in the Second app which causes an error. How is that possible? When I go directly to the second app the page loads the data correctly. Is the Clams Identity unique per application or is that information shared?


We already use the Tenant information but a tenant could have multiple companies that a user could reference for different pages. So I would like to be able to set that information up in the Session then use dynamic filters to reference the CompanyId. But I am not sure how to add the property to the session.


<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,

You can use token based authentication for your other apps. See <a class="postlink" href=""> ... entication</a>

I could but I still would need to have the user's account automatically set up in the other application if it does not exists. I read some articles on stackoverflow about how they handle this issues so I am going to try to follow up on that.

Thanks for your help.


<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,

Does any of your jobs are accessing a different database ? If so it might be a MSDTC problem. MSDTC service must be up and running. If your SQL Server is on a different server, then MSDTC service must be up and running on both machines.

If not, does this happen randomly or is it always in this way ?

  1. It was at first but I removed all external database calls. It only references the default database.

  2. For this job it has always been this way. I get a large list of orders then I process each one against another set on the server. I wonder if it is because I don't make any database calls while the process is running. Kinda of like how some apps log you out after a few min. of inactivity.

  3. My App and Database are on two different servers and I think MSDTC is running. I will check on this though.

Thanks for you help. I was able to get around temporarily but disabling UOW and manually calling new UOWs when I needed access the database after the application timeout happens.

I figured out the issue. My Template entity was being referenced in other database tables but deleting entities with casade was disabled for this table. So the database was throwing an error but it was never making it to the fronted.

Thanks for your help.

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