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Activities of "mdepouw"

You can totally delete Redis cache but in that case, you will face problems. Each instance will have different values.

Sure, I could see that hence the underlying question, can we disable caching? Can we configure ASP.NET Zero to not cache anything? Seems like the answer is no.

Isn't the following how we configure the cache? If we set it to 0 ticks, won't every request to the cache be a miss effectively disabling the cache? What would be the negative side effects of that? Obviously potentially performance but would the application still work properly? Maybe slower, but properly?

public class OurApplicationModule : AbpModule
    public override void PreInitialize()

        Configuration.Caching.ConfigureAll(options =>
            options.DefaultSlidingExpireTime = new TimeSpan(0);

reference: cache configuration

So, when you use Redis, basically, you are not using cache and it acts like as if you set cache lifetime to 0mins.

Sorry, I'm not understanding that. Redis is used for caching by definition in this application. 🤔

Redis cache basically acts as a database

Thanks (I get that)

Have you tried it?


what about my original question?

From reading the documentation I'm not seeing an option to disable it. Is that true? What about a workaround like setting it to 0mins?

I'm inferring from your response, the answer is "no, no way to disable it", is that correct? Any workarounds?



in angular/src/assets/abp-web-resources/abp.js abp.multiTenancy.tenantIdCookieName = 'Abp-TenantId';

in aspnet-core/src/Blah.Core/AccountCoreModule.cs Configuration.MultiTenancy.TenantIdResolveKey = "Abp-TenantId";

Hello - we're having the same problem, what was the fix? thanks!

But, it didn't work for me as the AJAX request is returning a 302 which redirects the browser.

after changing [AbpMvcAuthorize] to [AbpAuthorize] 🎉:

thanks @ismcagdas!

Hi @ismcagdas 👋 - well that's timely!

Reviewing that PR, I headed down the same path in my research 😊! But, it didn't work for me as the AJAX request is returning a 302 which redirects the browser.

Also, I don't see same Startup.cs file; I don't have anything about CookieAuthenticationOptions. Is that server side change applicable for the Angular project template? 🤔

Maybe yours work b/c of the change from [AbpMvcAuthorize] to [AbpAuthorize] ? (I gotta look up the difference between those two)

Articles Tutorials | AspNet Boilerplate: configure debugging in Visual Studio

Articles Tutorials | AspNet Boilerplate: configuring debugging in Visual Studio

Thanks for the link but I wanted to raise a global issue. I've seen broken links like this numerous times on the support site.

I stumbled upon another today:

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