Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mdepouw"

version: Angular version of Zero using QueryStringTenantResolver

Is there a set of API(s) I can call to switch a user from one tenant to another? I reviewed the behavior of linked accounts and tried doing something similar by calling Logout() but I'm having trouble if I call Logout() on a user that is not logged in as that issues a 302 (on a ajax call). I also have trouble calling Logout() if the user's token has expired.

Use case:

  1. user A logins into tenant X
  2. user A then clicks a link for another tenant Y

Current working solution In AppPreBootstrap.ts I'm checking for a specific query parameter to trigger:

location.href = AppConsts.appBaseUrlFormat;

In the login page, I'm automatically redirecting to the IDP which recognizes the user is already signed in & returns back to our app

In this solution, I'm not calling Logout() on the server. Are there any potential problems you see by not calling it?

Alternative solution: call Logout() in AppPreBootstrap.ts

  1. How can I determine if the user is currently logged-in so I can only call Logout() when they are
  2. How can I determine if the token is expired?

I assume both of those would involve reading some values from session storage?


I've seen a few links like this now:


bad link:

I'm confused as to why we don't have access to the source code for Abp.AspNetZeroCore.Web. Shouldn't that source be available in one of the private repo's in If we have an active license don't we have access to the source code?

What am I misunderstanding?

reference other posts about this topic:

yeah this package is closed source due to licensing purposes.


Is there a way to configure multiple OpenID Connect providers out the box?

reference: Authentication configuration:

  "Authentication": {
    "AllowSocialLoginSettingsPerTenant": false,
    "Facebook": {
      "IsEnabled": "false",
      "AppId": "",
      "AppSecret": ""
    "Twitter": {
      "IsEnabled": "false",
      "ApiKey": "",
      "ApiKeySecret": ""
    "Google": {
      "IsEnabled": "false",
      "ClientId": "",
      "ClientSecret": "",
      "UserInfoEndpoint": ""
    "Microsoft": {
      "IsEnabled": "false",
      "ConsumerKey": "",
      "ConsumerSecret": ""
    "OpenId": {
      "IsEnabled": "true",
      "ClientId": "4fb5e652-dc58-4370-95ca-fdfb3ba46273",
      "Authority": "",
      "Issuer": "",
      "LoginUrl": "",
      "ValidateIssuer": "true",
      "ResponseType": "id_token",
      "ClaimsMapping": [{
          "claim": "",
          "key": "name"
        }, {
          "claim": "",
          "key": "emails"
    "WsFederation": {
      "IsEnabled": "false",
      "Authority": "",
      "ClientId": "",
      "Tenant": "",
      "MetaDataAddress": ""
    "JwtBearer": {
      "IsEnabled": "true",
      "SecurityKey": "DemoProjectDemo_blah",
      "Issuer": "DemoProjectDemo",
      "Audience": "DemoProjectDemo"
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries