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Activities of "mdframe"


I thought I saw an article or post regarding how to set a WebAPI only user to prevent them from having front end access. Would someone point me back to the article or provide feedback on how this can be done? I have a client that wants to support their eBay inventory with a backend connection and we need to provide them the ability to set actions on a web service only account.


I am using ASP.NET Zero 6.3.1 with Angular and Core. I need to generate a screen to utilize two existing entities. Does someone have a procedure to do this since the RAD tool does not allow generation on existing entities? Any sample script or commands would be very beneficial.

Thx in advance.

I figured out the issues.

I should not mention the service, that is not the issue. I am getting Angular errors in the HTML. I would like to see an example where someone converted the RAD tool code for a pTable into one that is utilizing the rowGroup. The service is NOT the issue, its the typescript of the code I am having difficulty with.

I have reviewed the documentation and the sample code.



Does anyone have an example of calling a web service that is using the Primefaces pTable with row grouping they would share? I am having an issue wrapping my head around the documentation and what needs to be accomplished to get this to work without hardcoded data. Do I need to move away from the PrimengTableHelper to get this to work?

Thx in advance.

Any updates? The client is complaining they have to change the record count each time the modal is opened to get the grid to refresh. This is occurring in Mac books.


I am using v6.3.1 for Asp.Net Core with angular and the RAD tool does not generate any methods called onShown. They only have show which creates a new DTO entity but never clears the modal data. We see most modals retain all screen field values between calls as the generated code is only performing show and hide not resets or empty.

@ismcagdas we thought about that as well and have been able to replicate on Mac and Windows. We have seen a number of modals keep previous values on reopen and PrimeNG tables not refreshing. What code is taking care of it today from the RAD tool? Maybe we modified something without being aware but this is multiple modals.

We recently demoed the product we are developing with ASP.NET Zero and found that any of the Pick Modal's generated by the RAD tool cached all information and the subsequent usage of the Pick were not refreshed. This was a global issue with any of the foreign tables. How do I clear the modal so it will refresh each time the Pick is clicked and shouldn't this be the default in the RAD tool?


We recently found if logging is set to DEBUG a condition statement in the framework blanks out the sender causing an error so check the Web.Host logs for this message.

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