Whats happened to edition create and edit Created brand new template MVC core jquery .net core 1.1 framework.
Cannot edit or create new Edition
NOTE: Other pages seem to work fine with save & edit!!!!
can you send me a copy of how the file should look.
i'll manually update to destination server.
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
Have you updated <a class="postlink" href="https://.com">https://.com</a> ? As I checked it still has old payment.min.js. When you open developer console, it still shows same js error.
If you can update it, we can try to understand the next problem.
<cite>alper: </cite> hi,
I just downloaded a fresh copy of MVC Core + Jquery 4.3.0 version. There's no error. It's hard to understand what you changed so far. So maybe you download a new copy with the same project name and just compare them.
its 4.4 that breaking: Try template: MVC Core + Jquery "4.4.0" version. (not 4.3.0) - ensure you select .net core 1.1 as framework to.
make sure you publish to server with valid URL not localhost
<cite>alper: </cite> hi,
this is the config from demo page published on a vm machine (not azure )
What is the production environment "name" you are using. Yours shows as staging What is the production PayPal API url you are using.
I want to make sure yours actually runs with production level Paypal settings!
<cite>alper: </cite> hi,
I just downloaded a fresh copy of MVC Core + Jquery 4.3.0 version. There's no error. It's hard to understand what you changed so far. So maybe you download a new copy with the same project name and just compare them.
Question: did you use .net core as framework or .net framework 4.etc
I'm using .net core + mvc core + jquery version 4.4 think that is the latest of your template?
<cite>alper: </cite> hi i see an invalid html tag in the html response
I used OOB code - so someone at ASPNETZero needs to look at this please.
We cannot go live with our solution till paypal deploys in production correctly.
ASPNETZero : If possible - can you send through a copy of your settings file that you are using in production - just comment out your sensitive keys. - maybe it has something to do with the paypal jsaon settings
<cite>alper: </cite> hi i see an invalid html tag in the html response
Same issue with OOB copy of the code. Can someone from support please send me a copy of your demo Json config file for the mvc core jquery demo you say works as that is the only difference in my settings.
so how will this be fixed.
i'm getting this with a clean 4.3 mvc + jquery set of source code?
republished with change above so you can see what is happening in production. <a class="postlink" href="http://.com/Payment/Buy?editionId=2&editionPaymentType=NewRegistration&subscriptionStartType=3">http://.com/Payment/Buy?editionId=2&edi ... tartType=3</a>