I want to create a new email when specific action occurs? what is best approach with ASPZero
Purchased ssl wildcard cert per asp zero support. This is due to wanting to support multi-tenancy configured {TENANCY_NAME}.MYDOMAIN.COM in the JSON file SEE SCREENSHOT OF CURRENT DNS Settings. (A Record used) However it fails when navigating to the site after registration: <a class="postlink" href="https://mynewtenant.MYDOMAIN.COM">https://mynewtenant.MYDOMAIN.COM</a>
I logged a call with the hosting provider and they indicated a subdomain needs to be created for each tenant???????
from your documentation is says nothing about such requirement?
What are the exact DNS configs for production deployment of aspnet zero on 3rd party site. we are using <a class="postlink" href="http://www.smarterasp.net/">http://www.smarterasp.net/</a> for hosting
check the logs - it was the smtp settings. if empty it falls over.
please correct this in future builds as we cannot have whole site falling over on tenant registration if smtp unavailable or empty setting.
back button does not work mvc.core + jquery. version 4.3
clicking has no response.
we have wildcard SSL Cert deployed Multitenancy is ON
question: should WebSiteRootAddress use Http or https in the config as multitenancy requires wildcard ssl cert?
Example: "WebSiteRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}.mydomain.com/" OR "WebSiteRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}.mydomain.com/"
that's why i logged an issue , it should be that easy.
try it yourself. add a tenant field then call : Task<Tenant> _tenant = _personAppService.GetTenant();
you'll see tenant does not have the custom field when returned.
Production environment.
When creating a tenant I receive a 500 error "An internal error occurred during your request".
In version 4.3.1 there is a demo of how to use the upload control.
When @Html.Partial("_FileUpload") is added to the Index.chtml it calls the upload handler code in the controller 100%
however when added to a modal popup it does not fire?
How do it get it to fire on a modal?
ABP team there has to be an easier way to do this? JSON Config setting or comment out some code?