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Activities of "mengvisal"

I am using AngularJs version with ASP Core but I want to know if I can secure the API with API Key and Secrete. Currently, it seems that whoever is having a user account with me and know API names can call and use the api. I prefer to have another security layer like other popular plateforms which APIs are secured by Key and Secrete or something similiar.

I tried to turn on Identity Sever but it seems that whether it is on or off, users can still access our existing API without needing to go through Identity Server.

Please let me know how we can acheive this security.


Is it possible to know whether or not all tenant users are authenticated? I am working with Web Push Notification and I would like to send push notification to all users which are authenticated (not log out) only.


Hi! I try to run default tests coming with latest ASP.Net Zero V4.0.0 (ASP MVC + Angular 1x) and one of tests is error as following:

Test Name: Should_Not_Update_User_With_Duplicate_Username_Or_EmailAddress() Message: Shouldly.ShouldAssertException : exception.Message should contain (case insensitive comparison) "adams_d" but was actually "[Identity.Duplicate user name]"


When I try to change the profile picture for the project hosted in IIS of Amazon EC2, it gives me error: <a class="postlink" href=""></a> 500 (Internal Server Error) but when I test in IIS Express, it is working fine.

FYI: I configure default route in the project to Application/Index instead of Home/Index because I want to go directly to Login Page or Tenant Page (Not Front-end Page)

               name: "Default",
               url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
               defaults: new { controller = "Application", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
               namespaces: new[] { "CarlWeb.Controllers" }


Hi! I am looking for a promising angularJS datepicker or datetimepicker that support multiple timezones and work with moment.js? I have been searching online but not sure yet.

Ok i found the problem and solution. I actually changed the feature to have multiple features but forgot to add them to default edition. After i added them in DefaultEditionCreator class, it worked. Thanks!


I try to run the original test project of ASP.NET Zero without modifying anything insides but I have some errors and successes. Those errors are all permissions required. Do you know how to fix this? Below are the error messages:

Result Message: Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException : Required permissions are not granted. At least one of these permissions must be granted: Pages.Administration.OrganizationUnits Result StackTrace: at Abp.Authorization.PermissionCheckerExtensions.<AuthorizeAsync>d__12.MoveNext() in D:\Halil\GitHub\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Authorization\PermissionCheckerExtensions.cs:line 272 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)

I am not so sure how to use this attribute correctly: DefaultDbContextAttribute. Do I need to apply them to all bounded contexts i have or something else?

How do i get this update since I only use the library from Nuget-Packages?


Basically, for each module, i have a Core, Application, Mapping, and a Bounded Context (No Migration). Below are the contexts i have:

1- Project DBContext: this project DBContext is not used as a reference in any coding projects. It is used for migrating a project as well as creating fake dbcontext in testing only. This DBContext will contain all mapping entities for a project and used to keep track a project database migration and version.

2- Common DBContext (Bounded Context): this bounded context carries ASP Zero and those common/sharing entity mappings only. It inherits from from AbpZeroDbContext<Tenant, Role, User>. This dbcontext does not have migration .This project also contains a repository implementing IRepostory. This is referenced in ASP Zero Application, Core, Web API, and Web. This DBContext has a following static constructor:

static CommonDbContext() { Database.SetInitializer<CommonDbContext>(null); }

3- Module DBContext (Bounded Context) : Each module will have a dbcontext containing only entity mappings related to the module. This context is inherit from AbpDbContext. It does not have any migration file. Since each module has its own applicatoin and core project. This module bounded context does not have any repository implementation. This context is referenced in its own Core and Application projects as well as Web Api and Web project. It also has a static dbcontext:

static ModuleADbContext() { Database.SetInitializer<ModuleADbContext>(null); }

For these codes, It worked in the version I only used 1 Repository implementing in CommonDataContext. For those other bounded context for each individual module no need to have the custom or extra repository. I used IRepository in all application service implementations. ASP Zero was smart enough to use the right dbcontext based on the entity i used. However, after upgrading to, I have errors with "Found more than one concrete type for given DbContext Type".

So, yes please let me know if there is a way that i can avoid creating custom repository for each module i have.

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