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Activities of "mengvisal"


Linked account drop down has the html to get the user profile image as following:

<img ng-if="linkedUser.profilePictureId" ng-src="{{ abp.appPath + 'Profile/GetProfilePictureById?id=' + linkedUser.profilePictureId }}" width="22" height="22" class="img-rounded" />

but i do not see any "Profile" folder in my project. When I change the user image in the profile, I can see that the table App.BinaryObjects is inserted and i can also see change of the image in my profile but it is not showing in the linked account. Can you explain how this profile picture especially the code above works?




When I change a language, I want to change a body font as well. So, what is the best way to do it in ASP.NET Zero for SPA?




I am trying to do a create page which is a sub state of "project", a sub state of tenant (tenant.projects.create) as following:

$stateProvider.state('tenant.projects', { url: '/projects', templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/projects/index.cshtml', menu: 'Sale.Projects.Tenant' });

    $stateProvider.state('tenant.projects.create', {
        url: '/create',
        templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/projects/create.cshtml',
        menu: 'Sale.Projects.Tenant'

When I try to use "state.go('tenant.projects.create')" on button click or use "ui-sref='tenant.projects.create'" on a link in the Project page to load the "Create Project" page, the URL in the browser is rewritten correctly to: "http://localhost:6240/Application#/tenant/projects/create" but the view does not change. It still views the "Project Page" rather than "Create Project Page".

On the other hand, if I rewrite the state route with only two level deeps as following, it works:

$stateProvider.state('tenant.projects', { url: '/projects', templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/projects/index.cshtml', menu: 'Sale.Projects.Tenant' });

    $stateProvider.state('tenant.projectsCreate', {
        url: 'projects/create',
        templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/projects/create.cshtml',
        menu: 'Sale.Projects.Tenant'
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