Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mgarcia"

Hi! Im having problems with Rad Tool. I just tried to open it and an alert window pop ups with the message

"Could not load information of you Zero Base Project. => Config file not found".

What can I do?

No, it doesnt. I tried uninstall and install again but it failed.

I was already using the Tool on this Core + Angular project v5.6.2.

Then I create a new branch on my TFS, unmapped current folder and mapped the new branch and it start failing because I dont have that


I guess

So Im wondering what can I do now?

Hi! I dont have them anymore... Thats why I tried uninstall and re install but is useless.

Where can i get the files? aspnet-core\AspNetZeroRadTool\config.json


Hi! while Im been working on aspnetzero some doubs came to my mind around Tenancy.

The target of my development is going to be a Multi Tenancy Solution, so Im thinking what would be the use of the "Default" Tenant that is created the first time I run the solution.

My main doubt is for the super admin users that work mainteining all the platform, they should have tenant null? or do they need to be linked to "Default" tenant?

I've been using default tenant with a single user, just to test funcionalities between Users admin (with tenantid null) and users with tenantId, checking that all methods works fine, etc. Just want to be sure that default tenant is not a must I should use when my app is online on production.

Base on Boilerplate documentation:

"Default Tenant ASP.NET Boilerplate and Module Zero assume that there is a pre-defined tenant where the TenancyName is 'Default' and the Id is 1. In a single-tenant application, this is used as the only tenant. In a multi-tenant application, you can delete it or make it passive."

"In a single-tenant application, this is used as the only tenant"

So if this was a SingleTenant app, all my users should be link it to it? but if it is multi-tenancy app, "default" tenant is not required to me? I can have users with tenant null and everything is going to work as expected?

thx so much.

Hi! Currently im working on a website fully spanish, but when a BE exception is thrown I got it in english. Is it possible to get them in spanish?

Im talking about this general messages:

Another example:

Is it possible to turn this to spanish automatically?

thx so much for your help!

So, until now I have added this settings [spanish error messages] and EntityNotFound Exceptions to my language file "Masterpago-es.xml"

But Im lost on how to set "Masterpago-es.xml" and my culture to "es" by default. Can you guide me?

I just did it! thx so much

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