Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mgarcia"

Hi! Yesterday we bought a new version of asp .net zero boilerplate, it runs on framework core 3.1 so I installed the SDK but it is failing when creating an entity.

The error is:

Error initializing the dependency resolver: A fatal error was encountered, missing dependencies manifest at: C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\3.0.0\Microsoft.NETCore.App.deps.json

At the end the whole process creates the files in angular project, all classes and files in .net solutions with the exception of the migrations.

Has anyone fixed this?

Are tenants able to config their own email account?


I have a site running on app services in azure, I just noticed a problem that is giving me firefox right now. So I tried to replicate it in PostMan and got the same response 401 unauthorized.

So let see if you can help me because on Chrome everything is working ok.

I make an auth token request

then I copied the access token to post request to create an order.

At first I though it was an CORS problem, but everything works ok in Chrome on productive enviroment.

I event tried this using Swagger, so I logged in, tried the method on swagger and everything works fine. Copy the same access token and tried on postman but got the same error:


Do you have an idea why is this happening?

thx so much.


Im having an issue, my code is working but im thinking in long terms.

Right now I have this method:

        private async Task<bool> ValidateRecurrentEventExecution()
                var recurrentEventsExecutions = await _recurrentEventExecution.GetAllListAsync();
                foreach (var recurrentEventsExecution in recurrentEventsExecutions)
                    if (DateTimeToString(recurrentEventsExecution.StartDate) == DateTimeToString(DateTime.Now))
                        return true;

                return false;
            catch (Exception e)

                throw e;

And everything works fine but when in a few months or year this could return a lot of items in the list.

var recurrentEventsExecutions = await _recurrentEventExecution.GetAllListAsync();

So Im trying to do something like:

var recurrentEventsExecutions = await _recurrentEventExecution.GetAllListAsync().orderByDecending(x => x.Id).take(20);

But IRepository doesn have this methods

namespace Abp.Domain.Repositories
    public interface IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> : IRepository, ITransientDependency where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>
        int Count();
        int Count(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        Task<int> CountAsync(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        Task<int> CountAsync();
        void Delete(TEntity entity);
        void Delete(TPrimaryKey id);
        void Delete(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        Task DeleteAsync(TPrimaryKey id);
        Task DeleteAsync(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        Task DeleteAsync(TEntity entity);
        TEntity FirstOrDefault(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        TEntity FirstOrDefault(TPrimaryKey id);
        Task<TEntity> FirstOrDefaultAsync(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        Task<TEntity> FirstOrDefaultAsync(TPrimaryKey id);
        TEntity Get(TPrimaryKey id);
        IQueryable<TEntity> GetAll();
        IQueryable<TEntity> GetAllIncluding(params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] propertySelectors);
        List<TEntity> GetAllList(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        List<TEntity> GetAllList();
        Task<List<TEntity>> GetAllListAsync(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        Task<List<TEntity>> GetAllListAsync();
        Task<TEntity> GetAsync(TPrimaryKey id);
        TEntity Insert(TEntity entity);
        TPrimaryKey InsertAndGetId(TEntity entity);
        Task<TPrimaryKey> InsertAndGetIdAsync(TEntity entity);
        Task<TEntity> InsertAsync(TEntity entity);
        TEntity InsertOrUpdate(TEntity entity);
        TPrimaryKey InsertOrUpdateAndGetId(TEntity entity);
        Task<TPrimaryKey> InsertOrUpdateAndGetIdAsync(TEntity entity);
        Task<TEntity> InsertOrUpdateAsync(TEntity entity);
        TEntity Load(TPrimaryKey id);
        long LongCount(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        long LongCount();
        Task<long> LongCountAsync();
        Task<long> LongCountAsync(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        T Query<T>(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, T> queryMethod);
        TEntity Single(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        Task<TEntity> SingleAsync(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
        TEntity Update(TEntity entity);
        TEntity Update(TPrimaryKey id, Action<TEntity> updateAction);
        Task<TEntity> UpdateAsync(TPrimaryKey id, Func<TEntity, Task> updateAction);
        Task<TEntity> UpdateAsync(TEntity entity);

Each time I deploy in release got to update appsettings.production.json manually.

Im trying to make an scope for some Read uncommitted values I need. But I get this error "An ambient transaction has been detected. The ambient transaction needs to be completed before beginning a transaction on this connection." How can I apply some dirty read in web api core 2 project?

I'm having an unusual problem, some of my request are being blocked by browser as a CORS error.

Right now my web api core 2 got CORS settings like this:

This in an Azure App Service, so I also configured the CORS accepting my FE site.

The unusual of this error is that everything is processed succesfully in the server (API) but the browser catch this as an error because it says "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origen' header is present on the requested resource." So the fix I guess it should be done in web api core project.

I´ve been testing setting some headers on my FrontEnd (Angular CLI: 7.0.4) after reading some people that suffered this error in the request, but has been useless.

So, do you have any idea why is this missing from the request response from web api core 2 project? The method in the Backend Im requesting is a PUT.

All others methdos in webAPI core 2 project works fine.

When I publish aspnetzero locally to get my pre compile files I get this error:

have you any idea how to fix it?


Hi! I just set a new setting in DefaultSettingCreator

AddSettingIfNotExists("foo", "LoremIpsum");

but when I try to read that setting value by name

var _foo = _settingManager.GetSettingValue("foo");

but It returned

There is no setting defined with name: foo

And I cant really get what should I do from this Setting Manager

Can you give me an advice?

Hi! Currently im working on a website fully spanish, but when a BE exception is thrown I got it in english. Is it possible to get them in spanish?

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