No was not able to solve it yet. Code is not in any production or stating server. We need to solve some other problems as well before we can put it on any server.
Any ideas where to look?
There everything looks ok. We had V5.5 before.
<cite>dparizek: </cite> So better to include only what is needed - can anyone point me to how to install just parts of primeng?
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> So, if you want to use another component from PrimeNg, you just need to import it into your module and then you can use it in the html/ts files. You can check the usages of PrimeNG components here <a class="postlink" href="https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/#/">https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/#/</a>.
Yes you can Import, if the component was already installed. But is there a way to install new Primeng components, e. DataView that is not installed <a class="postlink" href="https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/#/dataview">https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/#/dataview</a>
I try to get DateTime from client, send it to database and then edit same datetime. I use the demo datetimepicker and get the date and post it to backend.
Here are the post parameters: post_parameters.PNG eventDate is the datetime object and i wrote on eventText what I set on datetimepicker. So here, I set the time to 8:30 (GMT +2) and eventDate shows that date in UTC format. Everything ok.
These values are saved to database and model is full auditet entity so there is also creation time: database.PNG
There EventDate is saved as UTC format.
Question 1:
Now I Get the date and here is result from backend: get_response.PNG
Again event date is UTC, but there is nothing to clarify that this is UTC time? Question 2:
This is the input field I use.
<input class="form-control" #EditEventTimeInput name="EditEventTimeInput"
type="datetime" formControlName="eventDate">
Form creation, input initial value set.
eventDate: this.originalHistory.eventDate.format('L LT'),
after this form initialization, I set the datetime locale and format as demo site shows
locale: abp.localization.currentLanguage.name,
format: 'L LT'
Now when date is set on input it shows 03/16/2018 6:30 AM, so it shows UTC format, or it is not converted to local time.