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Has anyone tried Xamarin project with dotfuscator? We are trying to use Dotfuscator with Android project, but it fails to install on device. When I disable dotfuscator, it installs succesfully.

Hi. I have tried to set up our merged Angular project to work with subdomains but if I go to url, it will open the site, but it tryes to login to the HOST, not Tenant. So the tenant name part is being ignored in url. Does anyone have a clue where we have gone wrong?

We have put Angular project src/assets/appconfig.production.json "remoteServiceBaseUrl": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "appBaseUrl": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}",

and I have tried to set appsettings.production.json WebSiteRootAddress and ClientRootAddress same way.

In the documents [])

Tenancy name can also be configured for remoteServiceBaseUrl as similar but when it is necessary?

If I follow these instructions []) I should only set appBaseUrl and ClientRootAddress with TENANCY_NAME placeholder.

and here []) is suggested that I should put placeholder on every url..



I updated our project with Angular + Core 5.5 template and now timezone selection is not as good as it used to be. There are fewer options and user can't see the hour offset. For example if you want to select Helsinki timezone, you would have to select "Egypt".

I tried to change TimeZoneService to get KnownIanaTimeZoneNames but, when I select Europe/Helsinki, I get exception: System.Exception: Unable to map Europe/Helsinki to iana timezone. at Abp.Timing.Timezone.TimezoneHelper.WindowsToIana(String windowsTimezoneId) in D:\Github\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Timing\Timezone\TimezoneHelper.cs:line 45

So can you provide any workaround for this issue?


I updated our project with template 5.5 and after publishing to our test server in azure, app is not working. I have changed in Azures wwwroot/assets/appconfig.json correct urls, but when I reload app, I see with Developer Tools (Mozilla) that there is GET for and this production json has localhost settings. I can't see this production file in azures filebrowser, so I don't understand where it is coming from and why it is now trying to get that "production" config.

//Edit Visual Studio Server Explorer is not showing this appconfig.production.json, but Azure portals console is able to show that there is this file...

I was able to copy non production appconfig with console and overwrite production file so I was able to get app working.

Is this appconfig.production.json new thing with Template 5.5 or can anyone tell me why there is now production config file. Before I could change appconfig file with visual studio azure browser but now after that, I need to use azure console :D

How can I set localization culture when executing background job? I want culture to be set by the users culture settings. I loaded user entity and settings but there setting "Abp.Localization.DefaultLanguageName" value is null. I have changed language so it should be different than default.

Hi I need to add azure storage connection string for every tenant, if default is not used. So basically same functions as db connection string. Could you provide me some directions how to handle this.

  1. Add storage connection string to Tenant entity
  2. Get that connection string when needed, or if not exist, get default.



Is there predefined practice for many-to-many join tables. I have object1 and object2 with many to many connection and for that connection I have join table with both objects id:s. IRepository needs entity with primary key, but I was wondering if there is allready some other way without the need of id for jointable.

Why tenant spesific logo is shown in image where w=168 and h=33, but uploaded logo is supposed to be w=139 and h=35?



Default email template there is also w=168. At header.component.html there is w=139 and h=35 for both tenant and defaultLogo. Mika


Merget Angular project, added new language (fi) and everything else seems to work, but angular confirmation messages are not translating AreYouSure, Cancel and Yes texts. I changed for test DE and it works, but my added language is not working. I double checked that I have AreYouSure key with fi value.

I added new xml file as embedded file and added new ApplicationLanguage to DefaultLanguagesCreator.

Is there some other steps I should take to make it work?

I published my merged angular project to azure and created new tenant and send activation link. When I clicked the link, I got error, but activation was successfull, since I was able to login.

I found this exeption in App_Data -> Logs -> Logs.txt: TenantCustomizationController.GetTenantLogo with arguments (light, 4) - ModelState is Valid System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file: /Common/Images/app-logo-on-light.png

That image is in assests/common/images folder on the server..

What is wrong?

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