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Activities of "mikemey01"

I'm having issues executing a stored procedure that does not return any data. I created a custom repository, but the dbcontext is always null and I'm not sure why.

I read this thread but it doesn't show interaction with the dbcontext: #3345@0db48d15-e4b1-451c-a96b-5b92e3a173c1

Attached is my custom repository and the error that i'm getting. How can I execute a stored procedure?

Hi - I would like to use the same cshtml file to add and edit items. I can create the empty modal no problem but what about passing @Model values to the modal when editing? I don't quite understand how to pass variables/objects to the closure function either directly or using the modalmanager.

Is there an example of how this is done?



Hi - I'm using .net Core/Jquery v4.0

I have an entity that inherits FullAuditedEntity, meaning the CreatorUserID exists on this entity/table. How do I include the AbpUsers table when pulling data from the repository? Since the CreatorUserID column is not setup as a foreign key to the AbpUsers.Id I'm not sure how to reference it correctly. I'm trying to pull in the username from the AbpUsers table into my entity.



Hi - I'm using .NET Core MVC / jQuery v4.0.

When I publish to Azure the chat functionality breaks. It works great on my local environment. I enabled websockets on Azure but that did not seem to help. Is there anything else that I can in Azure?

I created a test user account for you to login and take a look, I sent that to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> but they told me to post here. Let me know if you want me to send the login credentials to some other address.



Hi -

I updated version 3.2 to visual studio 2017 since publishing didn't work in vs 2015. With the upgrade, the dotnet ef migrations are broken of course since it no longer has a project.json file.

However EF migrations in the package manager console also are not working, I get the following error: "No DbContext was found in assembly 'ChariotInstruments.PropertyMents.EntityFramework'"

How do I make migrations work again in VS2017? I tried both EntityFramework and EntityFrameworkCore.Tools with no luck.


Hi -

I have the .NET Core/jQuery (VS 2015 version) that I'm trying to publish. When I right click on the .MVC project and hit Publish, it immediately says "Build has been cancled" and nothing else happens. No Errors, no other progress. Please see attached screen shot.



Hi -

When adding IMustHaveTenant and TenantId field to an entity, then creating the migration, then running "dotnet ef database update" against a new database returns the error: "Can not set TenantId to 0 for IMustHaveTenant entities!"

If I run the database migrations without any entities utilizing IMustHaveTenant it works fine. If I then add the IMustHaveTenant to an entity and run the migrations it works fine. It's only when IMustHaveTenant is present when migrating for the first time to a new database instance. I have set the default in the migration for the TenantId column as below:

AddColumn("dbo.PhoneBookPersons", "TenantId", c => c.Int(nullable: false, defaultValue: 1));




Hi there -

While working through the .NET Core step-by-step guide I added the class permission decoration and ran the project. It seems like it throws the correct error, but not as a pop-up dialog, more as an application error. Please see attached. This isn't normal, correct?

I've added AppPermissions.cs: public const string Pages_Tenant_Phonebook = "Pages.Tenant.Phonebook"; AppAuthorizationProvider.cs: pages.CreateChildPermission(AppPermissions.Pages_Tenant_Phonebook, L("Phonebook"), multiTenancySides: MultiTenancySides.Tenant);

And decorated the PersonAppService class with: [AbpAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_Tenant_Phonebook)]


Hi - In the .NET Core step-by-step guide there is a section for "SAVING THE PERSON" where the _CreatePersonModal.js file is implemented. I understand that the this.init function is invoked when the modal dialog opens and the function when the save button is pressed. What I don't understand is where the invocation happens.

For instance, when clicking to create a new person, there is a jquery .click event that's registered in the index.js file that fires the function. That makes sense to me, but I don't see where the this.init and in the _CreatePersonModal.js file are invoked from. Is it in the save-button css class?


Hi, I've read some of the other threads about changing from the default (layout4) theme used in ASP.NET Zero to the default Metronic layout (layout1) and I'm having some issues in the Core/jQuery solution.

The previous thread I read was here: #1860

I changed the _Layout.cshtmal file to point to the correct theme path, visually it updated but the "Administration" menu won't un-collapse. There is no sidebar.cshtml file for me to update in the core solution - where do I find these files to make the updates?



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