Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mmukkara"

Thanks @aaron for the pointers.

same here...I got the same message "virus detected" by Windows Defender. Unable to download 6.3.1

When 6.3.1 is dowloaded I get "Virus detected" in Windows defender. When I open the windows defender, I see this is related to Trojan:Win32/Cloxer.D!cl

As per this article I am not sure, I can take the copy of 6.3.1.

Please clean it up so that we can feel safe to download the file.

PS: Previous post with the same subject was closed by the person who raised the issue. But, i am concerned with the issue.


Anyone looking into this post...This post was not getting listed in the support list not sure why.

Thanks for the response @jims

Updating Windows defender definition to the current solved the problem.

Hi Guys,

I was playing around with Theme2 and what I would like to achieve is like this..

Topbar menu items should be moved to menu dropdown(which is in Theme2 demo on Metronic and remove top bar completly which will gain some real estate on the screen.Currently, too much of scrolling. The reason I am asking is, I have side bar for each area I am in (like Human resources, customent relationship,Adminstration etc in dropdown menu) so I don't need to show topbar at all once the user is in that area. To go to another area, user can select that area from menu dropdown.

I have the same problem with defualt theme too. Side bar changes based on each area I am in. Showing the main side bar only takes up some valued realestate and shows mulitple side bars and squeezes the content area.

Please suggest on how to acheve this behaviour.(Angular version)


Please help me with your suggestions.


Hi ,

We would like incorporate below Metronic template in our Angular project. What is the best way as I see in Metronic download file, we get only 13 demos as part of download.

Appreciate any help and pointers to the documentation.

Thank you!

We are using latest version of angular application with tenant management. If server is down, and API request is sent to the server from angular client, application is not displaying the error page. The hour glass just keeps spinning on the browser (chrome). I tried this with user list page. Could you please take a look at this and provide the solution.

We have created issue in github

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