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Activities of "mmukkara"


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Downloaded demo61 theme from Metronic. I followed the documentation from ( still did not work. I noticed in ASPNETZero angular application, In the bundles.json file there is an input ad output for existing themes. { "output": "src/assets/common/styles/themes/theme13/metronic-customize.min.css", "input": [ "src/assets/common/styles/themes/theme13/metronic-customize.css" ]

demo61 theme does not have metronic-customize.min.css & metronic-customize.css. How do I generate these from the demo61 theme. How do I incorporate that into angular application. Am I missing something?

Thanks for you help.

Is there a way to move left side menu bar to the top of the screen along with logo? If not, I am looking for a theme with full screen with top menu bar. Do you have any Metronic theme recommendation? Thanks for your help.

Thank you for your response. I know about these themes, but they are not full screen. They leave spaces on the right and left side of the screen. I need to make the theme full screen and move logo and menu items on the top of the screen.

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