Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mmukkara"

Did anyone experienced this issue. ANZ (.NET Core + Angular v5.5) was working fine and no change to the code. This morning launched Visual Studio (I didn't turn off Package restore in Nuget package manager settings) and ran Web.Host. . I get this below error... Rebuild the solution but the same issue. What could be the issue and solution? [attachment=0:dqsioqm2]localhostNotResponding.PNG[/attachment:dqsioqm2]

Hi All,

I am trying to integrate Metronic Wizard component in Angular project. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... o=default#</a>

I get it working with adding Metronic wizard.js reference to angular.json. But with all the changes related to Visual Setting (Theme) in ABP, not sure how to set colour theme to wizard component.


I need some help on how to make new components work with the visual settings theme colour and steps to follow. [attachment=0:20t4mpja]2.PNG[/attachment:20t4mpja]

Thank you.


I need to find tenant default language and Current Language. I think

gives me current language. How do I get tenant default language in angular.


Hi, I am using Angular v5.0.4 project and added below code to style.css to do some generic form level validations.

.ng-valid[required], .ng-valid.required {
    border-left: 2px solid #42A948; /* green */
.ng-invalid:not(form) {
    border-left: 2px solid rgba(255, 106, 0, 0.56); /* orange */

Input controls don't have any problem. But DatePicker, Select and primeNg inputMask controls doesn't work with Angular form validations.


<input datePicker type="datetime" name="EffectiveDate" #effectiveDate required class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="effectiveDate" (ngModelChanage)="selectedDateChange()" [(selectedDate)]="effectiveDate" >

[attachment=2:1ru5l6p1]EffDt Pic1.PNG[/attachment:1ru5l6p1] It does perform form validations but once the date is selected, the date control is not formatted as specified (see above image). If I remove [(ngModel)] then it doesn't apply form validation but formats properly(below). [attachment=1:1ru5l6p1]EffDt Pic2.PNG[/attachment:1ru5l6p1]

Select: I think the problem is with jq-plugin. If I remove the jq-plugin="selectpicker", form validation works properly. Hope you guys suggest a solution.

<select #LookupTableCombo
        class="form-control bs-select"
            <option value="0">{{emptyText}}</option>
            <option *ngFor="let lookupvalue of lookupvalues" [value]="lookupvalue.listId">{{lookupvalue.descriptionEn}}</option>

PrimeNG: I have no luck with any of their components. Instead of having that orange line on input control, its placed beside label. Thats really weird. I think I may have to get ride of PrimeNG component.

<p-inputMask mask="(999) 999-9999? x99999" name="PhoneNumber" #phoneNumber="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="phoneNumber" required placeholder="(999) 999-9999? x99999" styleClass="form-control"></p-inputMask>

[attachment=0:1ru5l6p1]PrimeNG input mask Pic1.PNG[/attachment:1ru5l6p1]

Hope you guys suggest some solutions for these issues. Appreciate your response. Thanks

Hi All, I am having a issue with dropdown embedded in PrimeNG datatable. When I launch new page from one of the Action in dropdown...the drop down is carried to next screen (non model form) and doesn't go away until I refresh the page. See Screenshots..

<p-column field=""
                                <ng-template let-record="rowData" pTemplate="body">
                                    <div class="btn-group dropdown" normalizePosition>
                                        <button class="dropdown-toggle btn btn-sm btn-primary"
                                            <i class="fa fa-cog"></i><span class="caret"></span> {{l("Actions")}}
                                        <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                                                <a *ngIf="permission.isGranted('Pages.Tenant.SomeSecurity')"
                                                <a *ngIf="permission.isGranted('Pages.Tenant.SomeSecurity')"
                                                <a *ngIf="permission.isGranted('Pages.Tenant.SomeSecurity')"



when I go back, the dropdown stays in the screen and when click on another Action it opens another one. I don't see any page errors in chrome console. Am I missing something?

Appreciate your quick reply. Thank you!

HI Guys,

I am assuming most of you are implementing multi-tenant based system using ABP. This question may not be related to ABP, just trying to figure out how to use it in ABP. I need your help and suggestions on how to implement custom code by tenant. Some tenants have different business rules, entity logic etc., compared to others. How is the work flow of the code execution defined by tenant. How to implement separation of code by tenant custom logic. By the way, I am using Angular version of ABP.

Any suggestions and pointers to documents will be appreciated.

Apart from above question, Anyone integrated workflow component or rules engines to ABP. If so, can you make some suggestions.

Looking for some architectural guidelines for multi-tenant applications.


Hi All,

I just published Angular + Core Version 5.0.4 to Azure App Service. When I launched Swagger on Chrome...It works fine...No Issues On Microsoft Edge - Its giving me error message. Am I missing something? How can I fix this issue.

Chrome: [attachment=1:kiiwrwb4]ChromePic1.PNG[/attachment:kiiwrwb4]

Microsoft Edge: [attachment=0:kiiwrwb4]EdgePic1.PNG[/attachment:kiiwrwb4]

Your help is appreciated.

Thank you.

PS: Solution is straight download from ASPNETZERO. No modification done yet except database connection, azure app service urls in appsettings files and web.config files as mentioned above.

Hi All, I am trying to publish Angular version (ASPNET ZERO v5.0.4) to Azure App Service. No issues related to Host project. When I published Angular project, I got an error related to woff2 Font Issue (Pic1). [attachment=1:34u85uch]Pic1.PNG[/attachment:34u85uch]

Read through this forum and updated web.config file with

<remove fileExtension=".woff" />
        <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
        <remove fileExtension=".woff2" />
        <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="application/font-woff2" />

After uploading Web.config again, I get the same error but No error in chrome/edge console (Pic2)..I have no idea whats happening and where to look for logs as I don't see any log created in Azure App service and how to fix it. [attachment=0:34u85uch]Pic2.PNG[/attachment:34u85uch]

Your help is appreciated.

Thank you.

PS: Solution is straight download from ASPNETZERO. No modification done yet except database connection, azure app service urls in appsettings files and web.config files as mentioned above.

Is there any documentation on what Naming Conventions and Standards are used through out the project (ASP.NET CORE 2.x and ANGULAR 5.x). And also any documentation on technology stack and what is used or integrated in which layer. I see some scattered documentation on hangfire, Quartz, IdentityServer4, OWIN etc integrations but there is no full list mentioned anywhere to refer to. Consider me new to this ASP.NET Zero and mostly I am getting information from this forum. Appreciate your response and pointers to documentation for the full list.

Thank you!

Hi Guys,

I really need some help here...trying to deploy ANZ on IIS when I try to access .Host application, I get this following error from browser (attached). Not sure how to fix this.

How I deployed is, Changed "ServerRootAddress" and "ClientRootAddress" in the .Host Application appsettings.json

Selected .Host Application, Right Click and Publish to IIS with publish method "File System". Created Site in IIS and pointed to this published folder. App pool setting to "No Managed Code" This is simple local deployment. Not related to Azure. I tried to publish in different ways, nothing works and end up with same 500.19 page.


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